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Show 334 DR. o. BOETTGER ON NEW CLAUSILIA. [May 1, propior.-T. vix rimata, subclavato-fusiformis, opaca, calcareo-alba, in interstitiis costularum hie illic cinerea, apice nigra. Anfr. ca. 12 vix convexiusculi, sutura lavi crenata disjuncti, dense valideque undulato-costulali, costulis sape sursum bifidis, interstitiis verticaliter substriatis ; ultimusparum attenuatus, validiuset deque ac cceteri costulatus, costulis ad suturam plerumque bifidis, basi distincte anguste sulcatus, obsolete bicristatus, crista inferiore distinctiore striis densis ornata. Apert. ampla, late oblonga, basi valde recedens, intus fusco-castanea, perist. albo. Apparatus claustralis lamellaque valde off. C. tereti, Oliv., lunella obsoleta, apice clausilii corrotundato. Alt. ca. 21, lat. 4\ mm.; alt. apert. 4|, lat. apert. 3\ mm. Hab. Zakro?, east of Crete (Spratt). One of the most difficult forms of the island of Crete. It looks nearly like certain forms of C. corrugata, Drap., var. inflata, Oliv., from Candia; but the shape of the neck, the receding base of the mouth, and the deep brown colour of its interior shows that we must search for its allies amongst C. teres, Oliv., and C. retusa, Oliv. The form of the neck and also the mouth and the apparatus claustralis being very analogous to those of C. retusa, I think it best to place it between this species and C. vesti of the olivieri-teres group. 25. CLAUSILIA VESTI, n. sp. (Plate XXXIV. fig. 11.) Quasi intermedia inter C. corrugatum, Drap., f epimenides, Blanc, et C. teretem, Oliv., sed huic magis affinis. -Differt a C. tereti, Oliv., t. tota valide costulata. Anfr. 15 planissimi, sutura submarginata disjuncti, exceptis apicalibus costulati, costulis validis, rectis, strictis (30 in anfr. penultimo), interstitiis spiraliter substriatis ; ultimus distantius validiusque costulis pp. 20, ante aperturam altioribus, undulatis, sursum hie illic dichotomis, basi parum distincte breviter subbicristatus, crista umbilicali pliculis sat validis crenata. Apert. C. teretis, Oliv., sed lam. supera longa nee punctiformis, infera minus distincte bifurcata. Caterum huic speciei simillima. Alt. 271, lat. 4\ mm.; alt. apert. 54, lat. apert. 3 | mm. Hab. Sitia Bay, N.E. of Crete (Spratt). This fine form, which 1 name in honour of Herr von Vest of Hermannstadt, Transylvania, author of an important and very interesting paper on the classification of this genus, is perhaps only a variety of C. teres, Oliv. ; but because intermediate stages of sculpture are wanting between these two shells, and differences also exist in the form of the neck and of the lamellae, I have thought it better to create a new species for it. G. corrugata, Drap., var. inflata, Oliv., in its beautiful large local form epimenides, Blanc, which inhabits the Spiualunga peninsula, is, on the other hand, a nearly allied shell; but its ventricose form, the different costulation of the neck, the largeness and different position of the inferior lamella, and the absence of the small superior palatal plait will easily distinguish the two species. |