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Show 338 DR. O. BOE1TGER ON NEW CLAUSILLS*. [May 1, 37. CLAUSILIA GOLDFUSSI, n. sp. (Plate XXXIV. fig. 15.) T. magna, fere perforato-rimata, clavato-fusiformis, ventriosa, lactea, hie illic cinereo-punctata, nitida ; spira turrita ; apex corneus. Anfr. 11§-12 convexiusculi, sutura clistincta disjuncti, laves, ultimus penultimo vix altior, basibene rotundatus, sulco levissimo obsoletissime bigibbus, prope aperturam dense costulato-striatus. Apert. parva, rotundato-ovata, faucibus luteis; perist. continuum, brevissime solutum, fere non ex-pansum, simplex. Lam. supera fere deficiens, in noclulis 2 continuis parum validis constituta, spiralis, recedens; infera profunda, alta, semilunaris, subbifurcata, ascenclens; subco-lumellaris valida, oblique intuenti conspicua ; plica principalis brevissima, altissima, remota a sutura ; lunella dorsalis, valde arcuata. Clausilium angustum, apice acutissimo instructum. Alt. 22|-23, lat. 5|-6 mm.; alt. apert. 4|-5, lat. apert. 3f- 4 mm. Sab. Mountains of Taygetos, Sparta (Dr. Theod. Krueper). This great and remarkable shell, which m y friend Herr O. Gold-fuss, at Halle-Saale, has presented to me, seems to be isolated amongst all the other known Albinaria of the Morea. It unites the habit and colour of the little C. incrustata, mihi, with the mouth of G. arcadica, mihi, and the inferior lamella of C. messenica, v. Mts., with the form and sculpture of the neck of O. contaminata, Rossm. It forms, as I believe, a special group intermediate between the voithi and the maculosa groups, and is especially characterized by its not quite perfect apparatus claustralis. 38. CLAUSILIA KRUEPERI, Pfr. Malakoz. Blatter, xiii. 1866, p. 152. This species, to which I now attach as a variety m y C. dissipata (Mon. Claus.-Sect. Albinaria, 1878, p. 99, tab. 3. fig. 6 ) = C . fureilla, Westerlund (Apercu s. 1. Faune Malac. d. 1. Grece, Naples 1879, p. 113), has a much wider geographical distribution than one could anticipate a few years ago. W e now know this var. dissipata, Bttg., from Mesolongi, Mount Varassova and Epakto in Roumelia, and from Mount Elias and Gerakomio, near Patras, in the Morea. The following new variety seems to inhabit more the south of the Nomen (province) of Ilia. Var. HOLOSTOMA, m. A typo discrepans t. magis albida, spira hie illic distinctius corneo vel griseo strigata, anfr. mediis plerumque densius distincli-usque striatis,perist. continuo,paidlulum soluto. Alt. 12|- 13^-, lat. 3^ mm.; alt. apert. 3±, lat. apert. fere 3 mm. Sab. Cape Katakolo, S. of Ilia, Morea (Thiesse). This distinct variety may easily be distinguished both from the type and^ from the var. dissipata, Bttg., by its whitish colour and by a peristome not only continuous but often even distinctly protracted. |