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Show 1883.] MR. SCLATER O N A LIST O F BRITISH BIRDS. 131 Fig. 2. Gehyra vorax, lower view of foot, magnified 1^ diam. 2 a. , lateral view of 4th toe, magnified 1^ diam. 3. Lepidodactylus lugubris, lower view of foot, magnified 3 diam. 3 a. •, lateral view of 4th toe, magnified 3 diam. 4. cyclurus, lower view of foot, magnified 2 diam. 5. sauvagii, lower view of hand, magnified 4 diam. 5 a. , lower view of foot, magnified 4 diam. 6. crepuscularis, lower view of foot, magnified 4 diam. 7. Eurydactylus vieillardi, upper view of head, magnified 1^ diam. 7 a. , lower view of foot, magnified 2^ diam. 7 b. , lateral view of 4th toe, magnified 4 diam. 8. Gymnodactylus arnouxi, lower view of foot, magnified 2£ diam. 8 a. , lateral view of 4th toe, magnified 24 diam. March 20, 1883. Professor Flower, LL.D., F.R.S., President, in the Chair. Mr. Sclater called attention to the fact that a specimen of his Macropus erubescens (P. Z. S. 1870, p. 126, pi. x.) was living in the Kangaroo paddock of tbe Zoological and Acclimatization Society's Gardens, Melbourne, Australia, and read the following extract on the subject from the ' Guide ' to that Society's Gardens1 :- " The Euro or Roan Kangaroo (Macropus erubescens). The Euro is found to the north of Port Augusta, S. Australia, and it lives principally on barren rocky ranges. It is a smaller variety than the Red Kangaroo, and it has much longer and coarser hair, of a roan colour It is difficult to procure. The fine specimen in the Society's possession was obtained through the instrumentality of Mr. R. E. Minchin, the Director of the newly formed Zoological Society of Adelaide." Mr. Sclater laid before the Meeting a set of the sheets of a new List of British Birds which had been prepared by a Committee of the British Ornithologists' Union, and would shortly be published, and explained the principles upon which it had been constructed. The names of all those species of which even a single example had been certainly obtained within the confines of the United Kingdom in a wild state bad been inserted in the list. The names of such species as had been wrongly reported to have occurred, and of those of which the occurrence was considered to be not sufficiently authenticated, had been inserted in their proper places in the Systema, but had been enclosed in brackets and printed in smaller types. The derivations of both specific and generic names of all the species were given, as far as they could be ascertained ; and a short account of the range of each species both within the British area and externally to it was added. The subjoined table gave an abstract of the results arrived at. i G-uide to tbe Zoological and Acclimatisation Society's Gardens, Eoyal Park. By the Director of the Society. Sixth Edition. Melbourne, 1883. |