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Show 1883.] MR. F. MOORE ON LIMNAINA AND EUPLCEINA. 31 9 Euplcea (Stictoploea) montana, Marshall and de Niceville, Butt, India, p. 91 (1882). Euplcea lankana, Moore, Ann. Nat. Hist, ser, 4, xx.p. 44, cf (1877). Stictoploea lankana, Butler, Journ. Linn. Soc, Zool. xiv. p. 302. Hab. Ceylon. 3. NARMADA CONSIMILIS. Euploea consimilis, Felder, Reise Novara, Lep. ii. p. 329 (1867). Hab. Java; Sumatra (Sachs). In coll. Messrs. Godman and Salvin. Genus STICTOPLCEA. Stictoploea, Butler, Journ. Linn. Soc, Zool. xiv. p. 301 (1878). Euplcea (Stictoplcea part.), Marshall & de Niceville, Butt, of India, p. 90 (1882). Male. Wings broad. Fore wing lengthened triangular, costal margin slightly arched, apex somewhat rounded ; exterior margin oblique, posterior margin slightly convex ; with two broad lengthened sericeous brands between the lower median and submedian veins; upper discocellular with a very short spur emitted within the cell. Hind wing broad, with the costal margin much arched in the middle ; exterior margin convex, waved. Type S. gloriosa. 1. STICTOPLCEA HOPEI. Euplcea hopei, Felder, Reise Novara, Lep. ii. p. 328 (1867), cf. Stictoploea hopei, Butler, Journ. Linn. Soc, Zool. xiv. p. 302. Mcde. Smaller than type specimen of S. binotata; spots on fore wing similar but smaller: hind wing with a complete row of prominent submarginal white spots, the marginal spots nearly obsolete, except three very minute dots in the middle. Expanse 3| inches. Hab. Assam (Felder) ; Silhet. In coll. British Museum. 2. STICTOPLCEA BINOTATA. (Plate XXX. fig. 4, cf.) Stictoplcea binotata, Butler, Journ. Linn. Soc, Zool. xiv. p. 302 (1878). Euplcea (Stictoplcea) hopei, Marshall & de Niceville, Butt, of India, p. 92, pl. 2. f. 18, cf 2 (1882). Hab. Silhet, Cachar, Darjiling. In coll. British Museum. 3. STICTOPLCEA REGINA, n. sp. Comparatively smaller than S. binotata : fore wing of a violet-blue with less gloss ; submarginal spots half the size of those in that species, the discal spots reduced to the two between the radial and middle median, and a very minute spot at lower end of the cell: hind wing deep rufous-brown, immaculate. Expanse, 8 3\ inches. Hab. Cachar. In coll. British Museum. 22* |