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Show 1883.] 'LIGHTNING'AND'PORCUPINE' EXPEDITIONS. 97 6. TROCHUS OBSCURUS, Couthouy. Turbo obscurus, Couth, in Bost. Journ. N. H. ii. p. 100, pi. 3. f. 12. 'Lightning' Exp. St. 2. Fragment. 'Porcupine' Exp. 1869: St. 51. Three living specimens. Distribution. Spitzbergen, Novaia Zemblia, and Jan Mayen I. to Upper Norway, Aleutian I. and Sitka, G. St. Lawrence, Nova Scotia, and N. England ; 0-430 fms. Fossil. Post-tertiary : Novaia Zemblia (Leche). I consider Margarita albula of Gould and M. bella of Verkriizen varieties of the present species. 7. TROCHUS GRCT;NLANDICUS, Chemnitz. T. grcenlandicus, Chemn. Conch. Cab. v. p. 108, t. 171. f. 1671 B. C. iii. p. 298 ; v. p. 202, pi. Ixi. f. 5. 'Lightning' Exp. St. 7. Fragments. 'Porcupine' Exp.: N. Channel. Bistribution. Spitzbergen, Jan Mayen I., Novaia Zemblia, Siberian coast, Iceland, Faroes, Norway, Shetland and Orkneys, Scotland, E. and W . Greenland, and Canada southwards to C. Cod; 0-150 fms. Fossil. Post-tertiary: Scandinavia, E. and W . Scotland, Ireland ; 0-460 ft. Trochus cinerarias of Fabricius but not of Linne, Tr. Fabricii of Philippi, Turbo incarnatus of Couthouy, Turbo carneus of R. T. Lowe, Margarita undulata of G. B. Sowerby, and Tr. inflatus of Brown. Possibly Turbo fuscus of O. F. Miiller and Margarita striata of Leach. The sculpture in this, as well as in the last species, is very variable. 8. TROCHUS CINCTUS, Philippi. T. cinctus, Ph. En. Moll. Sic. (1836) i. p. 185, t. x. f. 20, 20a. T. amabilis, B. C. iii. p. 300; v. pi. Ixi. f. 6. ' Lightning ' Exp. St. 2. 'Porcupine' Exp. 1869: 3, 14, 15, 23a, 36, 51, 61, 89. 1870 : Atl. 1, 2, 3, 3a, 9, 13, 14, 24, 25, off C. Sagres, 26-30. And variety affinis. Distribution. Shetland, W . Norway, var. affinis (Friele and G. Sars), Bay of Biscay ('Travailleur' Exp. 1881-82), Azores ('Josephine' Exp.); 85-673 fms. Fossil. Pliocene : Coralline Crag, Monte Mario, Calabria, and Sicily. Solariella (afterwards Margarital) maculata of S. V. Wood, and Solarium calandrelli of Conti. I do not consider Turbo moniliferus of Nyst (not of J. Sowerby), afterwards his Solarium turbinoides, from the "sables noirs" of Antwerp, the same as the present species. The shape and sculpture are very different As recent it is my Trochus amabilis; the variety affinis is Macharoplax hidalgoi of Fischer. T. affinis of D'Eichwald is a very different species. |