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Show 368 MR. A. G BUTLER ON [June 5, LYCHENID^;. 6. CATOCHRYSOPS PATALA. Lycana patala, Kollar, Hiigel's Kaschmir, iv. 2, p. 419 (1848). 8 . Maroe Island. Does not differ from Indian specimens excepting in the slightly whiter tint of the under surface. 7. LAMPIDES HELIANUS. Hesperia alianus, Fabricius, Ent. Syst. iii. 1, p. 280. n. 79 (1793). Larat. Does not differ from Indian specimens excepting in its slightly inferior expanse of wing; in colouring and pattern it perfectly agrees. PAPILIONID.E. PlERINnE. 8. DELIAS TIMORENSIS. (Plate XXXVIII. fig. 6.) Pieris timorensis, Boisduval, Sp. Gen. Lep. i. p. 459. n. 30 (1836). Larat. Most nearly allied to D. vishnu of Moore from Java (with which species it was associated by Wallace). It differs in its superior size, the narrower black area of the upper surface, the deeply sinuated inner edge of the black area on the primaries, the apical series of spots much smaller, the fifth, as Boisduval says, " tres petite et ponctiforme," whereas in D. vishnu this is the case with a sixth spot not present in D. timorensis -. primaries below with the basal pale area cuneiform (not angular), pure lemon-yellow within and just below the cell, otherwise pearl-white (" la base gris-blauchatre sau-poudree de jaune pur," Boisd.) : secondaries with only the basi-abdominal thirdx brilliant golden yellow, suffused at its inferior extremity with bright orange ; the inner edge of this area straight, not angulated as in D. vishnu ; the submarginal red lunules narrower, of a more carmine tint, the terminal one not expanded, further from the outer margin, yet not touching the yellow area; there are in fact, as Boisduval says, " sept lunules," and not six lunules and two spots as in D. vishnu. 9. TERIAS MAROENSIS, sp. n. (Plate XXXVIII. fig. 2.) $. Nearly allied to T. excavata of Moore, from India, but of a decidedly deeper yellow (bright sulphur) than the female of that species ; the inner edge of the external border decidedly arched, convex, not concave, towards the costa, the sinuation upon the median interspaces not so deep and more oblique (as in T. sari) ; the discal 1 The carelessness of Boisduval's description at this point probably misled Wallace ; he says:-"La moitie anterieure d'un beau jaune de chrome." On the other hand, the yellow of D. vishnu has a decidedly dull creamy appearance. |