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Show 374 MR. H. DRUCE O N N E W [June 5, ISANTHRENE THYESTES, n. sp. (Plate XXXIX. fig. 4.) Wings hyaline, with the veins and outer margins black ; head and thorax brownish black banded with yellow; abdomen yellow, crossed close to the base by a black band, the three last segments bright carmine; antennae, legs, and underside of abdomen carmine, also the costal margin of the primaries. Expanse 1-f inch. Hab. Ecuador, St. Lucia (Wolf). This fine species is quite distinct from any that I am acquainted with, and has not any near ally. ISANTHRENE TOLOSA, n. sp. Wings hyaline; primaries with the costal and inner margins yellowish brown, outer margin and veins all black ; secondaries with the outer margin black : head and front of thorax dark blue ; thorax black; abdomen black, crossed at the base with a cream-coloured band; in some lights the abdomen is shot with bright blue ; antennae black at the base, brownish yellow near the tip. Expanse lg inch. Hab. Ecuador, Intaj (Buckley). This species resembles Gymnelia completa, Walker, to some extent, the black outer margins of the wings being very much narrower. HOMOXOCERA, Felder. HOMOEOCERA OZORA, n. sp. (Plate XXXIX. fig. 6.) Wings hyaline, the base, outer margin, and veins black; head, thorax, and abdomen greenish black, the abdomen crossed by two orange-red bands, the first close to the base, the second beyond the middle ; antennae black, tipped with white. Expanse 1| inch. Hab. Colombia, Antioqua (Salmon). This beautiful species is closely allied to Homoeocera eressa, Felder, from which it differs chiefly in the bands across the abdomen. HOMOEOCERA BUCKLEYI, n. sp. (Plate XXXIX. fig. 5.) Wings hyaline ; primaries-the base, a large square-shaped spot at the end of the cell, the apex, and a small spot close to the anal angle, the nerves, and outer margin all black; two small white spots close to the base : secondaries-the outer and inner margins black : head, thorax, and abdomen greenish black, two orange-red spots bordered with white on the inner side close to the base of the thorax, and a row of orange-red spots on each side ; antennae black, whitish at the tips ; legs black ; tarsi white. Expanse If inch. Hab. Ecuador, Intaj (Buckley). This fine species is very distinct from any described, differing from all that I am acquainted with. |