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Show 1883.] DR. O. BOETTGER ON NEW CLAUSILL3E. 335 Var. SUTURALIS, m. Biffert a typo t. minore, magis ventriosa, gilvo-alba, anfr. 134, sutura distincte marginata disjunctis, costulis spira densioribus (40 in anfr. penultimo), magis undulatis et hie illic sursum dichotomis, lam. infera majore distinctiusque bifurcata,faucibus clarioribus, fuscescentibus nee late castaneis. Alt. 24, lat. 4\ mm. ; alt. apert. 5|, lat. apert. 3f mm. Hab. Sitia peninsula, N.E. of Crete (Spratt). This variety agrees more nearly with C. corrugata f. epimenides, Blanc, than the type, but is easily distinguished from it by the denser and more acute costulation, the yellowish-white colour, the form of the neck, and the distinctly bifurcate inferior lamella. 26. CLAUSILIA TERES (Olivier), Voyage, i. p. 417, tab. 17. fig. 6. The type of this fine species was found by Admiral Spratt near Cape Sidaro, and at Yani Khan in the N.E. of Crete. F. P H A L A N G A , mihi. Differt a typo t. majore, multo magis cylin-drata, anfr. 16, mediis 8 fere lavibus, vix substriatis, sed obsolete spiraliter lineatis. Alt. 28, lat. 4 5 mm.; alt. apert. 5, apert. 3| mm. Hab. The north-east of Crete (Spratt), without distinct indication of locality. Var. INSULARIS, m. A C. tereti (Oliv.) typica discrepans t. minore, ventrioso-fusiformi, spira multo minus elongata. Anfr. 13-14, medii obsolete rugu-loso- costulati; ultimus costulis validioribus, sursum plerumque multijidis exasperatus, lamellis apertura validioribus, supera longiore, infera magis protracta, sigmoidea ascendente, intus vix bifurcata. Alt. 20|, lat. 4 | mm. ; alt. apert. 4\, lat. apert. 3 mm. Hab. Island of Kophino, E. of Crete (Spratt). This form seems to be a local variety of C. teres (Oliv.), but is remarkably shorter, more ventricose, with stronger and more oblique ribs on the neck, and with distinctly more developed lamellse. The neck and the form and position of the lamellai are also quite similar to those of C. olivieri, Roth; but the white and not at all brown peristome, and the milk-white, not spotted, colour of the shell, are foreign to the Rhodian species and agree better with C. teres (01.). 27. CLAUSILIA CARPATHIA, n. sp. (Plate XXXIV. fig. 12.) Aff. C. olivieri, Roth, sed calcareo-alba, anfr. 12^, sutura profun-diore disjunctis, acute costulatis, perist. albo.-T. fusiformi-turrita, opaca, calcarea, hie illic leviter griseo adspersa ; spira elongata turrita ; apex corneus. Anfr. convexiusculi, sutura sat profunda, subcrenulata disjuncti, valide costulati, costulis (30 in anfr. penultimo) acutis, substrictis, in anfr. ultimo parum validioribus nee crebrioribus. Apert. ovato-oblonga, lam. spirali 23* |