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Show 654 ON NEW SOUTH-AMERICAN PASSERliS. [Dec. 18. 3. CNIPODECTES MINOR, sp. nov. Cnipodectes subbrunneus, Scl. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1873, p. 281. Similis C. subbrunneo ex JEquatoria occidentali, sedstatura minore et colore corporis superi, pracipue in capite, saturatiore brunneo distinguendus. Hab. Eastern Peru, Chamicurros (Bartlett). Mus. P. L. S. I had not ventured to distinguish m y single specimen of this bird from its larger western representative. But M . Taczanowski, who is engaged on a general work on the birds of Peru, has lately convinced me of its difference, and has requested m e to assign a name to it. 4. AUTOMOLUS RUBIDUS, Sp. 110V. Supra terreno-fuscus; pileo, capitis lateribus, uropygio et cauda rufis; alis extus rufescentibus, tectricibus dorso concoloribus subtus dilutior, in ochraceum transiens ; crisso rufo ; subalaribus et remigum marginibus internis cinnamomeo-rufis; rostri man-dibula superiore cornea, inferiore albicante; pedibus pallide fuscis. Long, tota 8*3, ala 3 9 , cauda rotundata rectr. med. 3*5, ext. 2*8, rostri a rictu (linea directa) 1*2. Hab. Brazil (?). Mus. P. L. S. Obs. Species crassitie A. rubiginosi, sed rostro tenuiore iucurviore, et pileo rufo insignis. M y single specimen of this fine large species was obtained at the dispersal of the Eyton collection, and is labelled "Brazil, Leadbeater, 1850." It is marked in Eyton's handwriting "Anumbius ruber, d'Orb.," but is altogether a different bird. It has a rather thin and incurved bill for Automolus, but I know not where else to place it. 5. ANABAZENOPS OLEAGINEUS, sp. nov. Supra pallide olivaceus, in alis extus vix brunneo tinctus ; subtus cineraceo-olivaceus, maculis elongatis albidis prcecipue in pectore aspersus; gutture, superciliis irregularibus et capitis lateribus fulvescenti-albis ; cauda tota rufo-castanea unicolore ; subalaribus et remigum marginibus internis cinnamomeis ; rostroplumbeo ad basin albicante; pedibus corylinis. Long. tota6'5, ala 3*2, cauda rectr. med. 3*1, ext. 2*3. Hab. Northern States of Argentine Republic : Parana (Page in U.S.N.M.); Catamarca (#. W. White). Obs. Similis A. rufo-superciliato ex Brasilia, sed colore corporis superi olivaceo nee brunneo, et maculis pectoris clare definitis distinguendus. This southern form of A. rufo-superciliatus seems readily distinguishable by the characters above pointed out. The first examples of it met with were sent to m e by the authorities of tbe U. S. National Museum for identification. I subsequently obtained specimens from Mr. E. W . White's duplicates of the same species. |