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Show 1900.] FROM SOUTH AND CENTRAL AFRICA. 249 punctate ; elytra sculptured like the thorax, clothed with very fine grey pubescence. Length 3 millim. Head minutely transversely granulate and sparingly punctured ; frontal tubercles strongly marked, transverse; clypeus with an acutely raised central ridge; antennae long and slender, the third joint twice the length of the second, very slightly shorter than the fourth joint; thorax one-half broader than long, the sides straight, the posterior margin rounded, the disc rather flat, finely rugosely punctured, sparingly pubescent; elytra wider at the base than the thorax, extremely closely rugose-punctate, of a rather finer texture than the thorax and clothed with short, silky, grey pubescence ; posterior femora strongly incrassate, black as well as the under surface and the legs. Hab. Dunbrody, Cape Colony (Rev. J. O'Neil). This species is intermediate in size between H. africanus Jac and H. natalensis just described ; it differs from both in the entirely black antennae and legs, also in the sculpturing of the thorax and that of the elytra, which is much more marked and rugose. I received two specimens from the Rev. J. O'Neil. CHIRODICA PUNCTICOLLIS, sp. n. Black, the head, basal joints of antennae, and the thorax and legs fulvous; elytra dark blue, like the thorax, very finely and closely punctured and minutely granulate; posterior femora bluish black. Length 4 millim. Of elongate parallel shape, the head broad, impunctate, reddish fulvous, the frontal elevations broadly trigonate, divided by a narrow groove ; clypeus strongly thickened, narrowly transverse ; antennae robust, extending slightly below the middle of the elytra, black, the lower%two or three joints fulvous, basal joint curved and thickened at the apex, second joint short, the third one-half longer, the following more elongate and somewhat dilated; thorax subquadrate, one-half broader than long, all the margins nearly straight, the anterior angles slightly obliquely thickened, the surface somewhat depressed, minutely granulate and finely and closely punctured ; scutellum broad, black: elytra dark blue, sculptured like the thorax ; breast and abdomen black ; legs robust, the anterior four fulvous, the posterior ones more or less piceous ; posterior tibiae with a strong spur, carinate, anterior tibiae unarmed ; the metatarsus of the posterior legs as loug as the following joints together; prosternum extremely narrow-, the anterior coxal cavities open. Hab. Salisbury, Mashonaland (67. Marshall). The genus Chirodica is of rather peculiar shape on account of tbe flattened and nearly quadrate thorax ; the antennae seem to ary rather in structure, as they are nearly moniliform and short in C. chalcoptera Germ., but much more elongate in the other species described by Baly. The present insect may be known from |