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Show 1900.] INSECTS AND ARACHNIDS FROM SOMALILAND. 53 the inferior median keels not differentiated amongst the coarse granules covering the lower surface of the segment; 5th segment with the inferior keels denticulated, the area between them coarsely granular; upperside of the 3rd, 4th, and 5th segments smooth, the keels also smooth or at all events only roughened with pores ; vesicle granular, narrow, its width equal to its height and only about one-third the length of the vesicle and aculeus. Chela;: humerus coarsely granular above, its anterior surface with strongly granular crests; lower surface granularly crested behind ; brachium finely granular in front, also roughened with pores and granules behind ; hand wide, its w idth about equal to the length of the movable digit, its upper surface smooth posteriorly on the lobe, the area just above external keel coarsely granular, the rest covered with low more or less anastomosing tubercles, which are, however, more distinct towards the base of the immovable digit; the inner edge smooth, though the granules of the lower surface run right up to it or even project slightly beyond it; the lower surface sparsely granular, with two weakly defined keels; keel defining the hand-back above very strong and prominent. Legs smooth; protarsal segment of 1st and 2nd with a single external apical spine; tarsi armed with eight spines, two on each side being on the lobe, one on its lower angle, the other in the middle as in P. colei, P. bellieosus, &c. Pectinal teeth 17. Measurements in millimetres. Total length 93 ; length of carapace 18, of tail 48 ; width of 1st segment 5-8, of 4th 3-5, of vesicle 3*2 ; width of hand 16, length of movable digit 17. Loc. North-west Somaliland (Berbera or Hargaisa). A single specimen (type) in the British Museum. Becognizable by the granulation of the lower side of the 4th caudal segment and the obsoleteness of its inferior median crests, &c. PANDINUS PEELI, sp. n. (Plate IV. fig. 2.) d. Closely allied to P. colei (Pocock), but differing in tbe characters pointed out in the table given below (cf. p. 62). Carapace quite smooth above, sparsely punctured, much less closely granular laterally than in P. colei. Terga weakly granular at the sides only, not closely granular throughout the posterior half as in P. colei. Chelce larger thau in P. colei; upper crest of brachium smooth ; upperside of hand externally grauular as in P. colei, but internally much smoother, the granules anastomosing and running together into ridges which become almost obsolete on the posterior lobe of the hand. Fourth abdominal sternum obsoletely granular in the middle. Pectinal teeth 15. Measurements in millimetres. Total lengih 81; length of carapace 14-5. of tail 38, of underhand 10; width of hand 13*5. Loc. North-west Somaliland (Berbera or Hargaisa). A single specimen (type) in the British Museum. |