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Show 1900.] EARTHWORMS OF THE " SKEAT EXPEDITION." 897 Amyntas. The pouches are not large and have but a short duct; they taper gradually towards the free caecal extremity, which gives to them a pear-shaped outline. The diverticulum of each spermatheca is considerably longer than the pouch ; it is tubular in form, and the greater^part of it is coiled into a tight knot-like coil. This, however, could be unravelled, though I have not done so. There is no external sheath enclosing the whole coil such as exists in A. peguanus. The end of the diverticulum is only very slightly dilated to form the sac-like extremity. Hab. Malay Peninsula1. W e may thus define Amyntas perichceta, n. sp. Length 170 m m . ; number of segments 116. Setae of anterior segments not enlarged. Clitellum xiv.-xvi., without setae. No genital papillae. Male pores far apart. Gizzard-septa missing. Caeca present. Last hearts in xiii. Sperm-sacs iu xi., xii. Spermiducal gland in xvii.-xix., with not long, horseshoe-shaped duct and terminal sac. Spermathecae 3 pairs in vi.-viii., with much-coiled diverticulum, much longer than the pouch. Hab. Malay Peninsula. (8) Amyntas polytheca, n. sp. (Fig. 2, p. 898.) The same tube which contained the numerous specimens of A. kelantanensis contained a single example of a small Amyntas which differed from these by its pale (light browu instead of violet) coloration. It proved to be the representative of a distinct new species. The single example was imperfect and I do not therefore give accurate measurements ; it is a slender worm and can hardly have been more than two inches in length. The setce on the anterior segments are larger than on those which follow. The clitellum occupies the usual three segments and has setae very plainly present upon the ventral side of all of them. The male pores (see fig. 2, p. 898) are exceedingly prominent as large round protruding discs, which are widely apart. O n the segment in front of that which bears the male pore and upon the two segments following are a pair of genital papillce of much smaller size than the porophores and rather closer to the middle ventral line of the body. The alimentary canal of this species has the usual strong gizzard, which is rather elongated in form and not so globular as is often the case. The usually missing gizzard-septa are often absent in the present species. The intestine begins in the xvth segment and has not any cceca. The typhlosole is quite conspicuous. The last pair of hearts are iu segment xii. The arrangement of the sperm-sacs is rather different from that which usually obtains in this genus. There are large pairs in 1 I have not seen a label indicating the exact locality. |