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Show 180 oy MAMMALS FROM MOUNT KENYA. [Feb. 20, measurement being at most 18*5 mm. in typicus (old), and at least 19-0 in ibeanus, ranging up to 20 and more. I propose to select as a type, skin and skull No. from Machako's, British East Africa, collected and presented by Dr. S. L. Hinde. The skull-measurements are those first given above. Skull of Tachyoryctes splendens ibeanus. External measurements of Mr. Mackinder's specimen, measured in the flesh :-Head and body 188 mm.; tail 57 ; hind foot 29 ; ear 10. A skull of T. s. ibeanus in the Museum collection, obtained by Capt. Speke, dates from 1863. Since then specimens have been received from Kilima-njaro (Hunter &r Baxter), Bukoba (Emin), Machako's (Hinde), Mumias, Kavirondo (Ansorge). and now the present specimens from Nairobi. |