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Show 680 DR. WALTER KIDD ON T H E [June 19, level of the orbits to the margin of the muzzle, where a secondary w horl is found. Bos taurus or Chillingham Wild Cattle.-Of two specimens, one shows the whorl above, tbe other below the level of the orbits. Bos bubalis, "I present a bi-lateral whorl below the level of Bos mindorensis, J the orbits. Bos coffer.-Here the hair slopes uniformly from tbe whorl at the base of the great united horns to the small secondary whorl close to the margin of the muzzle. Bos grunniens, *\ present thick long hair sloping to the small secondary whorl above the muzzle-margin, " from the base of the horns, no primary whorl here being visible. Bos bonasas, Ovibos moschatus, Bos americanus, Antelopes. Among these the exceptions are :- Oryx beisa, "^ Bubalis swaynei, primary whorl ranging from a position Bubalis tora, \jus^ below the base of the horns to the level of tbe orbits, and small secondary whorl close to muzzle. Bubalis tragocamelus, White-bearded Gnu, Blue-brindled Gnu, Saiga tartarica.-Muzzle shaped like that of Tapirs. Hair slopes from bilateral whorls, situated a little below the level of the orbits, towards the nares. Just above the nares is found a secondary whorl, in one female specimen ; and in a male specimen there is a third whorl between the two other whorls. In this specimen the downward slope is thus broken up in its course. Reindeer (Cervus tarandus).-Shows a whorl immediately above the margin of the muzzle, from which the stream of hair passes very closely in the long axis of the head over the convex rounded upper lip to the level of the horns. Eqvidce.-All of those that I have been able to examine are exceptions to the Ordinary Type. (See fig. 1, Horse.) Zebra has the whorl varying slightly above or slightly below tbe level of the orbits. Quagga has the whorl nearer to the ears than Zebra. Equus asinus (African Wild Ass) has the whorl at the level of the orbits. Equus hemionvs (Asiatic Wild Ass) has the whorl below the level of the orbits. Equus caballus, at the level of the orbits. The Domestic Horse, Ass, and Mule differ one from the other as to the position of the whorl as follows :-In the Horse it is at or just below the level of the orbits. In the Domestic Ass, which appears to be the tamed Equus asinus, it is midway between the level of the orbits and the muzzle. (In this connexion the great |