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Show 1900.] FROM SOUTH AND CENTRAL AFRICA. 261 represent a longitudinal central stripe, narrowed at the base, and a lateral small round black spot. CANDEZEA CENTROMACULATA, sp. n. (Plate XX. fig. 10.) Fulvous, antennae and legs flavous ; thorax minutely punctured, flavous, with a central black baud ; elytra extremely closely and finely punctured, flavous, with a broad transverse band at the base and another below the middle black. Length 5 millim. Of rather broad and robust shape, the head reddish fulvous, impunctate, the frontal elevations broad, trigonate, anterior margin of the clypeus straight; antennae exteuding to the apex of the elytra, flavous, the last joint fuscous, the third joint but slightly longer than the second, the fourth as long as the basal joint; thorax one-half broader than long, the sides and the anterior margin straight, the basal one strongly rounded, the surface very minutely and closely punctured, the middle of the disc with a shallow transverse groove, flavous, with a central longitudinal black band, slightly widened anteriorly and extending from the base to the apex ; scutellum black ; elytra widened towards the middle, punctured like the thorax, flavous, with a transverse black band at the base, which gradually widens at the sides, to which it extends for about one-fourth of the length of the elytra, another band of more regular shape is placed below the middle, elytral epipleurae extending below the middle; the breast and abdomen fulvous ; the legs flavous ; the first joint of the posterior tarsi longer than the following joints together. Hab. Malvern, Natal (Barker). Distinguished from all other African species placed in this genus and in Monolepta by the band of the thorax and the width of the elytral black bands. CANDEZEA SULCICOLLIS, sp. n. Entirely flavous, the terminal joints of the antennae black only; thorax transverse, finely punctured, the disc obsoletely sulcate ; elytra punctured like the thorax. Length 5 | millim. Head impunctate, the frontal elevations broad and flat, divided by the rather broad posterior portion of tbe clypeus; antennae extending to about the middle of tbe elytra, black, the lower four joints flavous, the second joint scarcely smaller than the third, the following joints elongate and slender ; thorax rather more than twice as broad as long, the sides feebly rounded, the posterior margin oblique at the sides, the surface finely and closely punctured, with a transverse sulcus at the middle, more marked at the sides but not extending to the lateral margins, the anterior angles thickened, not produced ; elytra wider at the base than the thorax, the shoulders not prominent, the punctation fine and close, the interstices slightly wrinkled, epipleurae narrow but continued below PROC ZOOL. Soc-1900, No. XVIII. 18 |