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Show CONTENTS (continued). March 20, 1900 (continned). Mr. G. A. Boulenger, F.R.S. Exhibition of, and remarks upon, a specimen of Polypterus *** lapradii with large external gills op- Mr. S. L. Hinde. Remarks on tbe Mammals observed during five years' residence in British East Africa „„_ * i .so / 1. On a Case of Homceosis in a Crustacean of the Genus Asellus-Antennule replaced by a Mandible. By W . BATESON, M.A., F.R.S., F.Z.S 268 2. On Echinoderms from Singapore and Malacca. By F. P. BEDFORD FZS (Plates XXI.-XXIV.) '...'..'.'.... 271 3. Notes on the Zoological Garden of Berlin. By F. E. BLAAUW, C.M.Z.S 299 April 3, 1900. The Secretary. Report on the Additions to the Society's Menagerie in March 1900 306 1. On the Mammalia of Siam and the Malay Peninsula. By STANLEY SMYTH FLOWER, F.Z.S., 5th Fusiliers 306 2. On a remarkable Piece of Skin from Cueva Eberhardt, Last Hope Inlet, Patagonia. By Dr. EINAR LQNNBERG, University of Upsala , 379 3. On a remarkable Attid Spider from Borneo, Mantisatta trucidans, n. g. et sp. By CECIL W A R B U R T O N , M.A., Christ's College, Cambridge 384 4. On Geographical and Individual Variation in Mus sylvaticus and its Allies. By G. E. H. BAKRETT-HAMJLTON, F.Z.S. (Plate XXV.) 387 |