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Show 1900.] THE BIRDS OF HAINAN. 473 62. *GEOCICHLA CITRINA. Geocichla citrina (Lath.); Swinhoe, Ibis, 1870. p. 248 ; Seebohm, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. v. p. 172 (1881). An immature male obtained on 25th April, 1899, has the ear-coverts partially dusky brown. " Iris dark brown ; bill black; feet yellowish white."-J. W. Observed by Swinhoe at Shuy-wei-sze, Central Hainan, but not obtained. Mr. Whitehead's specimen is the first that has actually been secured in Hainan. 63. MONTICOLA SOLITARIES. Petrocincla manilla (Bodd.); Swinhoe, Ibis, 1870, p. 248. Monticola solitaria (P. L. S. Muller); Seebohm, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. v. p. 319 (1881); Hartl. Abh. nat. Ver. Bremen, xii. pp. 299, 304 (1892) ; Styan, Ibis, 1893, p. 427. Kiung-chu-fu and Hoihow, 27th December, North Hainan (Swinhoe 6f Hartlaub) ; February, Lingshuy, S.E. Hainan, 11th March, Haosuy, West Hainan, 29th March (Swinhoe) ; South-west Hainan (Styan). 64. MONTICOLA CYANUS. Monticola cyanus (Linn.); Seebohm, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. v. p. 316 (1881); Hartl. Abh. nat. Ver. Bremen, xii. pp. 299, 304 (1892), xiv. p. 348 (1898). Hoihow, N. Hainan (Hartlaub). 65. BUTICILLA AUROREA. Ruticilla aurorea (Gmel.); Swinhoe, Ibis, 1870, p. 344; Seebohm, Cat, B. Brit. Mus. v. p. 345 (1881). Gardens of Kiung-chu, February (Swinhoe). 66. BUTICILLA RUFIVENTRIS. Ruticilla rufiventris, Jerdon; Seebohm, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. v. p. 342 (1881); Hartl. Abh. nat. Ver. Bremen, xii. pp. 299, 306 (1892). Dr. Hartlaub has identified a female from Hainan as belonging to this species. R. rufiventris is a bird of North China and Mongolia, wintering in North and Central India, and it is somewhat surprising that it should turn up in Hainan ; it is, however, very unlikely that any mistake could have been made in the identification. 67. ERITHACUS CALLIOPE. Erithacus calliope (Pall.); Seebohm, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. v. p. 305 (1881); Hartl. Abh. nat. Ver. Bremen, xii. pp. 299, 305 (1892); Styan, Ibis, 1893, p. 428. North Hainan (Hartlaub). South-west Hainan (Styan). |