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Show 1900.] MR. F. E. BEDDARD ON BASSARICYON ALLENI. 673 O n the dorsal aspect of the skull, the zygomatic arches are seen to project more at the sides in Cercoleptes than in Bassaricyon. In the latter, owing to the greater width and different curvature of that part of the zygomatic arch which joins the skull anteriorly, the infra-orbital foramen is visible on this view; it is not in Cercoleptes. The mandible is much slighter, not nearly so deep in proportion to its length, in Bassaricyon. The symphysis, moreover, is considerably longer in Cercoleptes. The lower border of the mandible is curved convexly downw ards in Bassaricgon ; it is nearly straight and with a slight ventral concavity in Cercoleptes. The coronoid process is much longer than the angular process in Bassaricyon ; the two are about equal in Cercoleptes. The vertebral column of Bassaricyon has the following formula : C. 7. D. 13. L. 7 ca. S. 3. Ca. 15 + It has thus one dorsal fewer than has Cercoleptes and one lumbar more. Its formula is in fact the same as is that of Bassariscus. The atlas and the axis (cf. figs. 6 & 7) resemble those of the Kinkajou; the third, fourth, and fifth cervicals show hardly any Fig. 6. Fig. 7. Cervical vertebrae of Bassaricyon Cervical vertebra? of Cercoleptes alleni, ventral view. caudivolvulus, ventral view. distinction between the lower and the upper lamellae of the transverse processes; this, however, is partly shown on the fifth, and is very marked on the sixth. In Cercoleptes, on the other band, all these vertebrae have markedly bifid transverse processes, while the lower lamella of the sixth vertebra is by no means so |