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Show 1900.] FROM SINGAPORE AND MALACCA. 759 eminences between the bases of the eyestalks, and extending along the latter as far as the corneas; but the degree of this mottling varies, and is less conspicuous in some individuals. Hands and fingers bright yellow. Dim. d 8-75x8. $9-5x8-5. $9-25x8-25. $8-75x7-5. LI. Genus MACROPHTHALMUS Latr. 88. MACROPHTHALMUS DILATATUS CARENS, var. nov. (Plate XLVII. fig. 11.) Cf. Ocypode (Macrophthalmus) dilatata, de Haan, Crust. Japon. p. 55, pi. xv. f. 3 (1839). Macrophthalmus dilatatus, M.-Edw. Ann. Sci. Nat. ser. 3, Zool. t. xviii. p. 157 (1852); de Man, Notes Leyd. Mus. vol. xii. pi. iv. f. 9 (1890); Ortmann, Carcinol. Stud., Zool. Jahrb. Bd. x. p. 345 (1898). Hab. Singapore and Malacca ; littoral. Five males and six females, four of the latter carrying ova. There is a specimen in the Museum from Singapore, from the ' Alert' collection, referred to " M. dilatatus, young ?," presumably by Mr. Miers ; of which, however, I can find no mention in the descriptive account of the ' Alert' Crustacea. It is identical with the present specimens; and on an examination of these, I find them sufficiently distinct from the type to be considered as a well-marked variety. , The average size of these specimens is 15 mm. breadth to 7*5 mm. length: two of the females with ova are considerably larger, but the other three (two having ova) are of these dimensions, so that they may all be regarded as adult. I find the following departures from the type :- a. The chelipedes are shorter, being only just longer than the breadth of the carapace, whereas in de Haan's species they are not quite half as long again. 6. The spinules on the upper margin of the hand are wanting, and the granules on the outer surface very small, though numerous. c. A well-marked dentated tubercle exists at the base of the dactyl; and there is a flattened dentated prominence extending from the base to the middle of the thumb, which is less evident in M. dilatatus. The thumb is only slightly de flexed, and the carina near the lower margin is rather strong and obscurely granulous. Dim. d 15x8. d 15 5x8-25. d 13-75x7-5." d 12x6-5. d 11-5x6-5. $ 19-25x10. $ 18x9-5. $ 13-5x7-5. $ 13x7. $ 12-5x7. $ 11-5x6-5. 89. MACROPHTHALMUS CRASSIPES M.-Edw. Macrophthalmus crassipes, M.-Edw. Ann. Sci. Nat. ser. 3, Zool. t. xviii. p. 157 (1852); de Man, Notes Leyd. Mus. vol. xii. p. 76, pi. iv. f. 7 (1890); Ortmann, Carcinol. Stud., Zool. Jahrb. Bd. x. p. 345 (1898). Hab. Singapore; littoral. Four males and three females, one of |