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Show 120 MR. C. W. ANDREWS AND OTHERS ON THE [Feb. 20, specimens, in which the septa appear to run distinct to the columella, under the older generic name. The specimens are both low groups of calicles rapidly budding, and in one case dying away beneath the living cluster, but in the other rising on a pedestal 2-3 cm. high, and on one side bare of polyps. Occurs in rock-pools under the cliff on the south side of Flying Fish Cove. Genus M A D R E P O R A. MADREPORA (ISOPORA) BROOKI, sp. n. Corallum with typical growth, viz., a thick common base from which 3 or 4 stout flattened branches radiate outwards, with an upward curve. The tip of each branch expanding and branching again. [The branches are 3-4 cm. thick and 4-6 wide, but as the coral is continually thickening these measurements are of no classificatory importance.] Certain of the calicles on the tops of the branches or of knobs are thin and cylindrical, and may be as much as 4-5 m m . long by 2*5 in diameter, and among these are others of all lengths but with one side cut down; the larger are nearly complete, the shorter are purely scoop-shaped. Here and there these incomplete calicles appear grouped irregularly round a complete calicle. The whole of the rest of the stock, except on the undersides of the branches (which are warty and nearly bare of calicles), is thickly covered with scoop-shaped calicles of all sizes and turned all ways, the majority looking upward ; many are mere punctures on the surface with a slightly raised margin, others have one edge protuberant like a lip; from this all stages are found up to the long scoop-shaped calicle. The calicles show no special feature, their costal ridges are regular, smooth, and not prominent; the whole wall in the larger calicles rapidly solidifies. The interstitial ccenenchyma fills up as systems of floors supported on long spines like that typical of Astrceopora. The smaller calicles are lighter and more openly reticular. There is one large complete specimen, two fragments from other stocks, and a branch worn smooth, yet recognizable by the section which shows the peculiar interstitial ccenenchyma. The species differs not only in growth-form, but in size and characters of the larger tubular calicles, from all the members of the subgenus described by Mr. G. Brook in the British Museum Catalogue of Madreporaria, vol. i. The large specimen was brought up from 11 fathoms by the sounding-lead in Flying Fish Cove. Much of the shore cement seems to be made up of rolled fragments of this madrepore. MADREPORA (?) CLATHRATA Brook. Madrepora clathrata Brook, Brit. Mus. Madr. i. p. 49, pis. v. & vi. There are several fragments, one a long branching stalk (13 cm. |