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Show 1900.] FROM SOUTH AND CENTRAL AFRICA. 233 impunctate ; elytra slightly broader at the base than the thorax, distinctly depressed below the base, strongly punctate-striate, the punctures diminishing in size towards the apex, the sutural and lateral margins narrowly black; below and the legs fulvous, the breast piceous, the abdominal segments likewise more or less of this colour at the middle, the femora with a strong tooth, the tibiae longitudinally sulcate; prosternum broad, impunctate. Hab. Boma, Congo. (Coll. Belgian M u s e u m and m y own.) The eyes in this species are fairly typical of the genus and proportionately large and closety approached ; the narrow black margins of the elytra are the principal marks of distinction in this species. EURYDEMUS MACULIPENNIS, Sp. n. Dark fulvous below, flavous above; head and thorax coarsely punctured, spotted with piceous ; elytra strongly punctate-striate, the interstices costate, with three piceous spots at the base and three others, more elongate, below the middle ; knees and base of the tibiae black. Var. The posterior elytral spots absent. Length 4-5 millim. Head very coarsely and closely punctured, flavous, the vertex with a large triaugular black patch ; clypeus distinctly separated from the face, subquadrate, as strongly punctured as the head; eyes large, rather closely approached, distinctly notched; antennae fulvous, the basal two or three joints flavous, second and third joints equal; thorax about twice as broad as long, the sides rounded, the angles slightly tuberculiform, posterior margin with the median lobe very slightly produced, the surface flavous, impressed with very strong punctures, which at the sides are partly confluent, the disc with two closely approached irregular-shaped elongate piceous spots, the sides with another round and small spot; scutellum fulvous, small; elytra slightly wider thau the thorax, flavous, strongly and closely punctate-striate, the interior of the punctures piceous, the interstices longitudinally costate, especially so at the sides, the second and fourth interstice with a short blackish spot at the base, a similar spot is placed on the shoulders, in a line with these spots are three others, more elongate, below the middle, the innermost of which is much longer thau the others ; the sutural margin is likewise very narrowly black; the under surface fulvous or piceous ; the legs flavous, knees and the base of the tibiae piceous, the posterior femora with a spine, the others unarmed. Hab. Boma Sundi, Congo. (Coll. Belgian Museum aud m y own.) This is probably a variable species in regard to coloration, of which I have seen two specimens. From other species of the genus it differs in having only the posterior femora armed with a tooth ; the very strong punctation of the head and thorax and the design of the elytra will at once separate E. maculipennis from any of its ongeners. |