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Show 226 MR. M. JACOBY ON PHYTOPHAGOUS COLEOPTERA [Mar. 6, known and only one or two from Africa, of which P. parvula Jac. seems closely allied, but is much smaller, of metallic gloss and quite different punctation. Whether the short sparing pubescence of the present insect is normal or whether the specimens before m e are rubbed I cannot say, but all agree in this respect. SCELODONTA SEXPLAGIATA, sp.'n. (Plate XX. fig. 5.) Cupreous, the apical joints of the antennae black; thorax transverse, finely transversely rugose, with two small white pubescent spots; elytra strongly punctured and transversely wrinkled, each elytron with six white pubescent spots (; flanks of the thorax and sides of the breast densely clothed with white pubescence. Length 4 millim. Head strongly punctured, the interstices with some short white hairs, supra-ocular grooves very deep ; clypeus broad, strongly punctured; antennae proportionately long, cupreous, the apical five joints black, strongly widened; thorax twice as broad as long, the sides strongly rounded, the entire surface covered with transverse rugosities, the sides with a small pubescent white spot; scutellum subpentagonal; elytra wrider at the base than the thorax, narrowed posteriorly, very closely and strongly punctured in irregular rows, the sides transversely rugose, each elytron with six white small pubescent spots placed as follows :-one at the middle of the basal margin, one at the lateral margin below the shoulders, another further iuwards in a line with the lateral spot, two placed transversely below the middle and slightly oblique, and the sixth at the extreme apex ; patches of dense white hairs are also placed at the flanks of the thorax and the sides of the breast; femora armed with a small tooth. Hab. Malvern, Natal. I have received several specimens of this very distinct and handsome species from Mr. C. Barker of Natal. MECISTES CHAPUISI, sp. n. Black, the basal joints of the antennae and the legs fulvous • head and thorax finely rugose, sparingly pubescent; elytra strongly and closely rugose-punctate, the interstices with longitudinal rows of short hairs ; femora with a small tooth. Length 4 millim. Head finely rugose and clothed with short yellowish pubescence • labrum piceous ; antennae scarcely extending beyond the thorax', fulvous, the apical joints more or less infuscate, strongly transverse ; thorax subcorneal, narrowed in front, the basal' margin slightly concave at the sides, the median lobe truncate, produced, the surface closely rugose-punctate, the lateral margin rounded at the middle and widened, the disc covered with short yellow-pubescence ; scutellum pentagonal: elytra much wider at the base than the thorax, ovate and convex, very closely punctured, the interstices slightly longitudinally raised and furnished with rows |