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Show LIST OF CONTENTS. PART I.-1900. January 23, 1900. *e The Secretary. Beport on the Additions to the Society's Menagerie in December 1899.... 1 Mr. Sclater. Exhibition of a photograph of, and remarks upon, a young specimen of the Rocky-Mountain Goat (Haploceros montanus) 1 Mr. Sclater. Exhibition and List of a Collection of Birds from Fort Jameson, British South Africa 1 Mr. G. A. Boulenger. Note on an Error in the Description of the new Genus Xenotilapia published in the ' Transactions' (vol. xv. p. 92) 3 1. On a Collection of Insects and Arachnids made in 1895 and 1897, by Mr. C. V. A. Peel, F.Z.S., in Somaliland, with Descriptions of new Species. By C. V. A. PEEL, F.Z.S., E. E. AUSTEN, F. A. DIXEY, M.A., M.D., H E R B E R T DKUCE, F.L.S., F.Z.S., C. J. GAHAN, M.A., GILBERT J. A R R O W , R. M C L A C H L A N , F.R.S., M A L C O L M BURR, F.Z.S., and R. I. POCOCK. (Plates I.-IV.) 4 2. On some Remains of Grypotherium (Neomylodon) listai and associated Mammals from a Cavern near Consuelo Cove, Last Hope Inlet, Patagonia. By A. SMITH W O O D W A R D, LL.D., F.Z.S. (Plates V.-IX.) 64 3. On thje Mammals obtained in Southern Abyssinia by Lord Lovat during an Expedition from Berbera to the Blue Nile. By W . E. D E W I N T O N , F.Z.S. (Plate X.) 79 February 6, 1900. The Secretary. Report on the Additions to the Society's Menagerie in January 1900 84 Mr. Oldfield Thomas. Exhibition of, and remarks upon, some mounted heads of Antelopes from Fashoda and the Sobat River 84 Mr. G. E. H. Barrett-Hamilton, F.Z.S. Exhibition of, and remarks upon, specimens of Dormice of the Genus Muscardinus 85 Contents continued on page 3 of Wrapper. |