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Show °14 MR. W. L. DISTANT ON THE RHYNCHOTA [Nov. 20, and somewhat upward ; anterior lateral margins coarsely dentate, a somewhat larger and lobate tooth at anterior angle. Scutellum broad, sinuate about centre. Connexivum prominent; abdomen beneath with a broad central sulcation, which does not extend to apex. ^ETIUS VARIEGATUS. (Plate LII. fig. 8.) Atelocerusl variegatus Westw. in Hope Cat. i. p. 21 (1837). Hab. Australia : Swan River. PLAUTIA FIMBRIATA. Cimex fimbriatus Fabr. Mant. ii. p. 295 (1787). Pentatoma fimbriata Westw. in Hope Cat. i. p. 32 (1837). PLAUTIA VIRIDICOLLIS. Pentatoma viridicollis Westw. in Hope Cat. i. p. 35 (1837). Plautia viridicollis Leth. & Sev. Cat. Gen. Hem. i. p. 169 (1893). Pentatoma inconspicua Dall. List Hem. i. p. 250. u. 42 (1851). CRESPHONTES MONSONI. (Plate LII. fig. 6.) Raphigaster monsoni Westw. in Hope Cat. i. p. 31 (1837). Cresphontes nigro-maculatus Haglund, Stett. ent. Zeit. xxix. p. 157 (1868). Westwood recorded a wrong locality (" Caput Bonas Spei") for this species. I have compared the types of both Westwood aud Haglund. ANTESTIA CRUCIATA. Cimex cruciatus Fabr. Syst. Ent. p. 714 (1775). Pentatoma pantherina Westw. in Hope Cat. i. p. 34 (1837). Westwood undoubtedly was led astray by the wrong habitat " Georgia America;" in redescribing this well-known Oriental species. ACTUARIUS, gen. nov. Body oblong. Head with the lateral lobes considerably longer than the central lobes, and very distinctly cleft at their apices, which are obliquely rounded, their lateral margins moderately sinuate; ocelli situate between the eyes and nearer to them than to each other. Antenna) with the second joint a little shorter than either third or fourth, which are subequal in length; rostrum about reaching the posterior coxae, second joint longest, third slightly shorter than tbe fourth. Pronotum long, moderately convex, the lateral margins sinuate, the posterior angles rounded and subprominent, the anterior angles shortly dentate. Scutellum about half the length of the abdomen, slightly gibbous at base, narrowed towards apex. Corium distinctly moderately widened at about one-third from base; membrane with longitudinal veins. |