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Show 1900.] EARTHWORMS OF THE " SKEAT EXPEDITION." 901 From the foregoing account may be extracted the following definition of Amyntas aringeanus, n. sp. Length 115 m m . ; number of segments 142. Clitellum xiv.-xvi., without setae. Genital papillae paired upon segments v., vi. (two pairs), vii., on xvii. <fe xix. paired groups of 9-11 papillae in line with Fig. 3, Anterior end of Amyntas aringeanus. X 3. male pores. Male pores large and far apart. Septum viii./ix. absent. Last heart in xii. N o caeca. Sperm-sacs in x.-xii. Spermiducal glands in xvii.-xix., compact and square in outline; 59* |