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Show 424 MR. G. E. H. BARRETT-HAMILTON ON [Apr. 3, IRELAND: 4 c?6, 1 2- Co- Wexford, Ireland, Jan., Mar., & Apr. (e coll. Barrett-Hamilton). Measured by F. Metcalfe. 2 ds an(l one unsexed. Ca-shel, Tipperary, Ireland, Jan. 1895. SHETLAND : Adult nursing § (e coll. Barrett- Hamilton, no. 538). Reed, from E. Henderson, Oct. 27,1898 d- Ditto, ditto d (juv.). Ditto, ditto CHANNEL ISLANDS : 2 c?s- Alderney, autumn 1898, W . "j Eagle Clarke (e coll. Barrett- V Hamilton, nos. 543 & 544) J BELGIUM: Liege, altitude 100 metres, Nov. 1894, H. Gronvold; of 10 specimens, all immature, although one was nursing, none exceed 88 m m . for head and body. 11 dB an(l 6 $s. Warenne,") Oct. 27-28, J. A. Loring, | Max. from the collection of the i-Mean Smithsonian Institution, [ Min. Washington, D.C, U.S.A. J HOLLAND : Oldest d of 2 cT s and 2 5 s, collected 1 by Oldfield Thomas, Aug. & Sept. I 1395. J Max. Mean Min. Max. Mean Min. Head and body. mm. 95 91 84 103 92 87 Tail. mm. 97 86-2 75 70 74 87 Hind foot. mm. 22 202 ?18 225 22 23-5 Ear. mm. 16 15 16 ] 15-5 15 . Skull, extreme length. mm. 1 O* 25 102 87 88 93 95 100 89-5 75 94 SWITZERLAND : 12 Js and 4 §s. Meiningen," J. A. Loring, from the collection of the Smithsonian Institution. Max. 107 Mean 935 Min. 78 BRITTANY : 6 c?8. Dinan, Dec. 25-28,1897, { £an G. E. H. Barrett-Hamilton, j M i n (Max. Mean Min. Combined average, after adding I j^ea^ one unsexed specimen. ] jyj-^n FRANCE: d. Cadillac-sur-Gironde, Mr. Young. d. Manonville, Nov. 1895, Mons. " Lamont 94 86-5 83 88 8341 7535 94 86-97 75-25 100 *122 100 87 84 95 91 100 89-1 81 83 99 90 78 89 80-6 75-5 83 76-5 67-5 89 79-2 675 60 110 22 23 22 23 23 25 22-9 22 215 25 23-3 21 24-5 225 20-5 24 23-41 22-25 24-5 23-13 20-5 22 22 155 14-5 14 16 16 26 24 to 25 (25 (teeth 16-1 j much [ worn). 25 to 26 12 14 25 Dimensions probably exaggerated. |