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Show 26 MR. 0. T. A. PEEL AND OTHERS ON [Jan. 23, terque punctato, area parva triangulare ante scutellum Icevi ; elytris punctato-striatis, apice acuminatis, interstitiis antice plants, versus apicem angustis et convexis. Long. 25, lat. 9 mm. Hab. Central or East Somaliland (1897). One example. Type in British Museum. Head, prothorax, legs, and underside of a purplish-violet colour; tarsi metallic green above. Elytra black, each with about twenty shallow cupreous pits, which are densely punctured and more or less completely covered with greyish-white pubescence : six or seven of the smallest of these pits are placed at irregular intervals along the third elytral interstice, three of the larger pits on the fifth, three on the seventh, and about seven, diminishing in size from before backwards, along tbe ninth interstice ; one of the larger pits on the fifth interstice, a little in front of the middle, and one at a short distance behind the middle, encroach upon the sixth interstice and nearly join two correspondingly large pits upon the seventh interstice. This species differs from all other African species of the genus known to m e in the disposition of the pubescent pits on the elytra, and is further distinguished by having each of the elytra narrowed to a single point, and not truncate at the apex. ELATERID^E. AGRYPNUS LONGICORNIS Gahan, sp. n. (Plate I. fig. 11.) Rufo-brunneus, luteo-pilosulus ; antennis nigris, basin elgtrorum paullo superantibus, articulo 3° quam 2° haud longiore, articulis 4° ad 10M m angulatim sat valde productis ; prothorace quam latiori vix longiori, supra sat valde convexo, lateribus medio paullo rotundatis, angulis posticis tenuibus, acutis, divaricatis elytris tenuiter punctato-striatis. Long. 17, lat. 5 mm. Hab. Central or East Somaliland (1897). One example. Type in British Museum. In general appearance this species resembles A. bocandei Cand., but is easily to be distinguished by the black colour and greater length of its antenna?. The third joint of the antenna? is a little broader, but not longer, than the second, and the joints from the fourth to the tenth are each produced antero-distally into a strong angulate process; the disc of the prothorax is more convex and somewhat less densely punctured, and the sides are more rounded in the middle than is the case with A. bocandei. DASCILLIDJE. GENEOERUS NEBULOSUS Gahan, sp. n. (Plate I. fig. 9.) Piceo-brunneus, cinereo- sat dense pubescens; elytris brunneo-nebulosis, longitudinaliter subcostatis ; antennis (d) fiabellatis vel ( 2 ) serratis. Long. 14-16, lat. 4-4| mm. Hab. Brit. E. Africa: Samburu, Voi and Ndi (C. S. Betton) |