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Show 1900.] FROM THE FALKLAND ISLANDS. 527 Genus EURYPODIUS Guerin. 1828. Eurypodius, Guerin, M e m . Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, vol. xvi. pp. 349, 350. 1829. Eurypode (French), Latreille, Eegne Anim., ed. 2, vol. iv. pp. 63, 583. 1829-1843. Eurypodius, Guerin, Iconographie, Crustace's, p. 10. 1834. Eurypodius, Milne-Edwards, Hist. Nat. Crust, vol. i. p. 283. 1838. Eurypodius, Guerin, Voy. de la Coquille, Zool. vol. ii. pt. 2, Crust, p. 23. 1839. Eurypodius (subgenus), de Haan, Fauna Japonica, Crust. pp. 79, 87. It is unnecessary to carry the synonymy further, as both the name and the description of the genus by its author have been generally accepted, and the numerous references will be found prefixed to the account of the species given, by Miers in 1881, Guerin's dates are often perplexing, but his figure of Eurypodius latreillii in the 'Iconographie,' pi. 11. fig. 1, is referred to by Milne- Edwards in 1834. In the 'Voy. de la Coquille,' his text has a title-page dated 1830, immediately followed by an ' Avant-propos ' dated 1838, and signed Guerin-Meueville, after which comes the description of the Crustacea by Guerin, which was therefore printed and perhaps issued earlier than the preface, and before he had taken the addition to his name. The excellent figures in the Atlas to the Voyage, pi. 2. figs. 1-11, may have appeared in 1828 ; the date 1826 on the titlepage of the complete volume not testifying to anything except perhaps that the titlepage itself was printed in that year. The name of the genus expressly alludes to the dilatation of tho penultimate joint towards its distal extremity in the four pairs of walking-legs. The species Eurypodius longirostris Miers, 1886, differs from other forms in having the penultimate joint of the trunk-legs very little dilated, as also iu having the rostrum bent upward with its two horns apically divergent, somewhat recalling Dana's genus Oregonia. EURYPODIUS LATREILLII Guerin. 1828. Eurgpodius latreillii, Guerin, Me'm. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, vol. xvi. p. 354, pi. 14. 1828 (?). Eurgpodius latreillii, Guerin, Voy. de la Coquille, Atlas, pi. 2. fig. 1. 1877. Eurypodius latreillei, Targioni-Tozzetti, Crost. della Magenta, p. 9, pi. 1. figs. 14-18, 20. 1881. Eurypodius latreillei, Miers, Pr. Zool. Soc. Lond. p. 64. 1886. Eurypodius latreillei, Miers, ' Challenger' Brachyura, Ee-ports, vol. xvii. p. 22. 1898. Eurypodius latreillii, M . J. Eathbun, Pr.U. S.Nat. Mus. vol. xxi. p. 571. In the Hist. Nat. Crust, vol. i. p. 284, 1834, Milne-Edwards is 35* |