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Show 1900.] FROGS OF THE " SKEAT EXPEDITION." 887 I caught a single example of a Frog, apparently belouging to this species, in thick jungle at Kwala Aring. It is a female and much larger than the type (70 mm. from snout to vent). The back is grey, with very curious glandular folds running obliquely backward from left to right, making an angle of about 45° with the long axis of the body. The tympauum is as large as the eye. A black line from the tip of the snout passes back through the eye and broadens above the shoulder, disappearing abruptly immediately behind the tympanum. The flanks are grey with a few black spots. This species has hitherto been found only in Burmah. RANA GLANDULOSA Blgr. Rana glandulosa, Boulenger, Cat. Batr. Sal. p. 73, pi. vii.; S. S. Flower, P. Z. S. 1899, p. 897. One specimen from Bukit Timah, Singapore. RHACOPHORUS LEUCOMYSTAX (Gravenh.). Rhacophorus maculatus, part., Boulenger, Cat. Batr. Sal. p. 83. Rhacophorus leucomystax, Boulenger, P. Z. S. 1889, p. 29 ; id. Rept. & Batr. of British India, p. 474; S. S. Flower, P. Z. S. 1899, p. 898, pi. lix. figs. 3, 3 a. Malay name : *' Katak pisang," Banana Frog. This is perhaps the commonest of tbe Malay Frogs and is abundant everywhere. The measurements of the largest specimen obtained, a female, are :- Snout to vent 75 mm. Thigh to knee 38 „ Knee to ankle 37 „ Ankle to end of 4th toe 47 „ At Kwala Aring we found this species breeding in the month of September and the end of August. The eggs were laid in a frothy mass on the leaves of trees overhanging small pools of water. After a short time (I believe less than 48 hours) they slid off the leaves and fell into the water, where the frothy envelope is dissolved away, setting free the tadpoles. (Cf. S. Ikeda on Rhacophorus schlegeli Gnthr., Annot. Zool. Jap. i. part iii. p. 113.) Fam. ENGYSTOMATIDUE. MICROHYLA ORNATA (Dum. et Bibr.). Microhgla ornata, Boulenger, Cat. Batr. Sal. p. 165; id. Rept. & Batr. of British India, p. 491; S. S. Flower, P. Z. S. 1899, p. 901, pi. Ix. figs. 1, 1 a, 1 b. A single specimen from Kwala Aring was caught in long grass close to a small pond on the edge of the jungle. MICROHYLA INORNATA Blgr. Microhgla inornata, Boulenger, P. Z. S. 1890, p. 37 ; S. S. Flower, P.Z.S. 1899, p. 905. |