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Show 54 MR. C. V. A. PEEL AND OTHERS ON [Jan. 23, Family BUTHID.F. Genus UROPLECTES Peters. IIROPLECTES FISCHERI (Karsch). Lepreus fischeri Karsch, Mitth. Munch, ent. Ver. 1879, p. 124. The two specimens of this species that were obtained iu Northwest Somaliland (at Berbera or Hargaisa) agree closely in characters with those collected by Dr. Donaldson Smith at L u m mo and Turfa, and discussed on pp. 400-401 of that author's account of his expedition. One of Mr. Peel's specimens is in the British Museum, the other in the Hope Museum at Oxford. Genus BUTHUS Leach. BUTHUS CALVICEPS, sp. n. (Plate IV. figs. 3-3 a.) Colour (dry specimen): trunk blackish yellow ; appendages uniform pale yellow. Carapace weakly granular ; keels almost entirely obsolete, only the anterior median distinct but failing to attain the front border of the carapace. Tergal plates rather coarsely granular: keels normal and granular. Sternal plates smooth and polished; the last very finely granular at the sides, polished and rather coarsely but sparsely punctured in the middle; the lateral keels almost obsolete, represented by about three larger granules. Tail of medium thickness, nearly five times the length of the carapace, posteriorly narrowed; the sides and upper surface of the segments normally crested, the intercarinal spaces finely granular; the mediau lateral keel complete on the 2nd and almost complete on the 3rd segment; lower surface of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd segments rather coarsely but strongly punctured with setiferous pores ; the median keels of the 1st obsolete, those of the 2nd and 3rd btrone and denticulated, increasing in strength posteriorly, the inferior laterals of these segments also strong and denticulated, converging posteriorly and fusing, like the medians, with a transverse granular crest; lower surface of the 4th weakly granular, without median keels ; 5th segment without a trace ot superior lateral keels, finely granular below, with a few coarser granules intermixed, the median keel denticulated; the laterals strongly denticulated, with at least one large lobate tooth behind the middle of their length, ending behind in a big subdivided lobe on each side of the anal aperture; vesicle of medium size, smooth, punctured. Chelce weak ; humerus granular above, normally crested ; brachium smooth, weakly crested, anterior surface with two weakly granular keels; hand smooth, small, narrower than brachium movable digit with eight rows of teeth along the middle line, the basal row long and rising right at the extremity of the segment, the lateral teeth forming short oblique rows of three each, two |