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Show 830 MR. R, C. PUNNETT ON [Nov. 20, In conclusion, the leading features of these three new species may be briefly characterized as follows :- C. torresianus.-Size small. Basement-membrane stout. Cutis without connective-tissue layer, its place being taken by longitudinal muscle-fibres. Vascular head-loop. Neuro-chord- cells. Head-slits remain deep some distauce behind cerebral organ. No eyes. Well-marked frontal organ. Excretory system starts'behind mouth and has few ducts._ C. queenslandicus.-Size small. Dorso-ventrally flattened. Cutis packed with rhabdites at certain parts. Vascular head-loop. Neurochord-cells. Head-slits prolonged far behind cerebral organ as very shallow canals. No eyes. Well-marked frontal organ. Excretory system commences at lacunas of cerebral organ and has one pair of ducts. C. haddoni.-Size fairly large. Much thickened. Connective-tissue layer of cutis extremely thick. Cutis-glands much reduced. Vascular head-loop. Proboscis without muscle-crosses. No neurochord-cells. Eyes and frontal organ both absent. Excretory system commences some way behind mouth and is without ducts. List of Papers referred to. (1) BURGER, 0.-Untersuchungen iiber die Anatomie und His-tologie der Nemertinen nebst Beitragen zur Systematik. Zeitschr. wiss. Zool. Bd. 50, 1890. (2) . Siidgeorgische und andere exotische Nemertinen. Z. Jahrb., Abth. Syst. Bd. 7, 1893. (3) . Die Nemertinen des Golfes von Neapel. Berlin, 1895. (4) OUDEMANS, A. C.-The Circulatory and Nephridial Apparatus of the Nemertea. Q. Journ. Micr. Sci. (Supplement), 1885. (5) PUNNETT, B. C.-Some Nemerteans from the Pacific. Willey's Zoological Eesults, Pt. v., 1900. (In the press.) (6) . On a Collection of Nemerteans from Singapore. Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci., vol. 44, 1900. (7) VERRILL, A. E.-The Marine Nemerteans of New England and adjacent waters. Trans. Connecticut Acad. vol. xiii., 1892. (8) HUBRECHT, A. A. W . The Nemertea. ' Challenger' Beports, vol. xix., 1887. P.S.-Since this paper was read, Prof. Haddon has kindly supplied me with the following notes on several of the living worms :- EUPOLIA DELINEATA (p. 825). From reef, Waier, Murray Is. Colour buff, with very fine interrupted longitudinal brown lines, about a dozen in number, on both dorsal and ventral aspect. The lines are more deeply coloured and more definite in form on the dorsal surface. |