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Show 58 ME. C. V. A. PEEL AND OTHERS ON [Jan. 23, b. Inferior lateral keels of 5th caudal segment and inferior median of segments 2 and 3 uniformly granular throughout. a3. Hand carinate and densely granular; dorsal abdominal keels posteriorly strongly spiniform b3. Hand smooth, not carinate ; dorsal abdominal keels not strongly spiniform posteriorly. a4. Less coarsely granular; tail thinner and lower, height of 4th segment barely half its own length and distinctly less than length of 1st; upper surface of caudal segments much less strongly excavated, &c b4. More coarsely granular; tail thicker, its superior keels more strongly elevated ; height of 4th segment more than half its length and equal to length of 1st Family SCORPIONID^E. Genus PANDINUS Thorell. PANDINUS MEIDENSIS Karsch. Pandinus meidensis, Karsch, Mitth. Munch, ent. Ver. iii. p. (1879); Kraepelin, Das Tierr., Scorpiones, &c. p. 119 (1899). Loc. Meid in Somaliland.' In Berlin Museum. PANDINUS SMITHI (Pocock). Scorpio smithii, Pocock in Donaldson Smith's 'Through Unknown African Countries,' p. 198 (1897). Loc. Hargaisa, Silul, Abdeh, and Turfa in Somaliland (A. Donaldson Smith). In British Museum. PANDINUS PALLIDUS (Kraepelin). Scorpio pallidus, Kraepelin, Mitt. Mus. Hamburg, xi. p. 60 (1894). Pandinus pallidus, id. Das Tierr., Scorpiones, &c. p. 120 (1899). Loc. Barawa in Somaliland. In Hamburg Museum and British Museum. The typical form of this species was based upon immature individuals measuring only up to 75 mm. long. Until the adult is known it seems to me impossible to classify the species with certainty. It is undoubtedly nearly allied both to the following species, P. phillipsi from North-west Somaliland, and to the more southern Masailand form P. gr,gorii, but it will probably prove to be at all events subspecifically different from both. PANDINUS PHILLIPSI (Pocock). Scorpio phillipsii, Pocock, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (6) xviii. p (1896). Pandinus phillipsii, Kraepelin, Das Tierr., Scorpiones, &c. p 120 (1899). Loc. Dooloob and the Goolis Mountains, inland of Berbera (E. Lort Phillips). In British Museum. acutecarinatus. polystictus. emini. |