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Show 770 ON CRUSTACEANS FROM SINGAPORE AND MALACCA. [June 19, male, still carrying a comparatively large leaf, beneath which it is entirely concealed when the legs are flexed. In three of the males the right hand is swollen. Judging from Fabricius' description of his D. callida, it seems to m e very probable that it is really identical with his D. astuta. Dim. d 13-25x12-5. d 13-5 x 12-5. d 13-5x13. d 12"75 Xl2. d 9-75x9-5. d 7-5x7. d 8-25x7-5. d 6x5-75. <S 6x 5-5. d 5-75 x 5. d 5-5 x 4-75. d 5-25 x 4-75. EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. PLATE XLIV. Fig. 1. Micippa excavata, p. 725. a. Eostrum. b. Chelipede. c. Pterygo-stomian region. 2. Lambrus tumiclus, p. 727. a. Dorsal view. b. 5th ambulatory leg. 3. Harrovia albolineata longipes, p. 729. a. Dorsal view. 4. Carpilodes socius, p. 731. a. Dorsal view. b. 3rd maxillipede. PLATE XLV. Fig. 5. Etisodes anaglyptus, p. 739. a. Dorsal view. b. Frontal region. 6. Actceopsis pallida, p. 741. a. Dorsal view. b. Frontal and buccal regions, c. Male abdomen. 7. Neptunus (Amphitrite) hastatoides, p. 745. a. Male, b. Female abdomen. PLATE XLVI. Fig. 8. Achelous rubro-marginatus, p. 746. a. Dorsal view. b. 3rd maxillipede. 9. Carcinoplax subinteger, p. 750. a. Anterior portion of carapace. 10. Potamon tridentatum incertum, p. 749. a. Anterior portion of carapace, b. 3rd leg. c. Orbital region. PLATE XLVII. Fig. 11. Macrophthalmus dilatatus carens, p. 759. a. Chelipede. 12. Sesarma fasciata, p. 758. a. Dorsal view. b. Chelipede. c. Male abdomen. 13. Favus granulatus, p. 768. a. Dorsal view. b. Frontal region. c. Female abdomen. 14. Scopimera myctiroides, p. 760. a. Male, b. Female abdomen. |