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Show 730 MR. W. F. LANCHESTER ON CRUSTACEANS [June 19, In addition, the right arm of the other male has a small tubercle on the middle of the posterior margin. I have, however, two larger individuals, both females, whose presence in the collection I had at first overlooked, in which the tubercles of the carapace and the antero-lateral teeth are very strongly developed : the two anterior tubercles being quite toothlike, and as big as the penultimate lateral teeth. It may be, then, that the species is a good one, although I am still inclined to suspect that the differences are only varietal. The larger of these females bears ova, and was taken off another specimen of A. multiradiata. Dim. $6x5-5. $10-5x8-5. $8-5x6-5. XV. Genus ATERGATIS de Haan. 25. ATERGATIS INTEGERRIMUS Lamarck. Cancer integerrimus, Lam. Hist, des Anim. sans Vert, t p. 272 (1818); M.-Edw. Hist. Nat. Crust, t. i. p. 374 (1834). Cancer (Atergatis) integerrimus, de Haan, Crust. Japon. p. 45, pi. xiv. f. 1 (1839). Atergatis integerrimus, de Man, Mergui Crust, p. 24 (1888); id. Zoolog. Jahrb. Bd. viii. p. 496 (1895). Hab. Singapore. Littoral: under stones or dead coral. 6 males and 2 females. Dim. o* 81x51. tf 67x41-5. J 44x27*5. 6 36-5x23. cS 24x15. S 23x14-75. $62x39-5. $48-5x30-5. Breadth taken is the greatest breadth. 26. ATERGATIS FLORIDUS Rumph. Cancer floridus, Rumph. D'Amboin. Rariteit-kammer, p. 16, pi. viii. f. 5 (1741). Cancer ocgroe, Herbst, Krab. u. Krebse, pi. liv. f. 2 (1S01); M.-Edw. Hist. Nat. Crust, t. i. p. 375 (1834). Cancer (Atergatis) floridus, de Haan, Crust. Japon. p. 46 (1839). Atergatis floridus, Walker, Journ. Linn. Soc, Zool. vol. xx. p. 109 (1887); de Man, Mergui Crust, p. 24 (1888); id. Zoolog. Jahrb. Bd. viii. p. 498 (1895). Hab. Singapore. 5 males and 3 females, one with ova. From same localities as A. integerrimus. Dim. 0*51x35-5. o* 48x335. 0*43-5x30. d 38-5x27. 0*24x17-25. $45-5x32-5. $41-5x29. $31x22. Breadth taken is tbe greatest breadth. 27. ATERGATIS ROSEUS Riipp. Carpilius roseus, marginatus, Riipp. Beschreib. 24 Krabben, p. 13, pi. iii. f. 3 (1830). Cancer roseus, M.-Edw. Hist. Nat. Crust, t. i. p. 374 (1834). Atergatis marginatus, Dana, U.S. Expl. Exped., Crust, pt. i. p. 158 (1852). |