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Show LIST OF PLATES. 1900. PART II. Plate Page XIV. 1. Lygosoma shelfordi. 2. Distira saravacensis XV. Lepturophis borneensis j XVI. Xenelaphis ellipsifer r 182 XVII. 1. Amblycephalus nuchalis. 2. Bhacophorus shelfordi. 3. Ix- | alus petersii. 4. Calophryne heterochirus J XVIII. Petaurista lylei 191 XIX. Papilio bonhotei 197 X X . African Phytophagous Coleoptera 203 XXI. ^ XXII ' r Echinoderms from Singapore and Malacca 271 A X 111. I XXIV. J X X V . 1. Mus sylvaticus princeps. 2. Mus sylvaticus celticus 387 NOTICE. The ' Proceedings • are issued in four parts, as follows :- Part I. containing papers read in January and February, on June ^st. IL ,< „ „ March and April, on August 1st. III. „ „ „ May and June, on October 1st. IV. „ „ „ November and December, on April 1st. |