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Show 248 MR. M. JACOBY ON PHYTOPHAGOUS COLEOPTERA [Mar. 6 latter itself rounded, aeneous, the punctures strong and closely placed, the interstices, especially at the sides, longitudinally costate ; posterior femora piceous, strongly incrassate, the rest of the legs fulvous; posterior tibiae furnished at the apex with a long styli form process, the sides of which are strongly serrate. ' Hab. Port Alfred, South Africa (Rev. J. O'Neil). This is the second species of this interesting genus which I have received from Africa : like the typical form, the present species has the posterior tibiae provided with a long, slightly curved and serrate prolongation, the tarsi being inserted much above the apex of the tibia, their first joint is extremely elongate and slender, the second one shorter, the claws are simple. (In m y original description of the genus the claws are given as appendiculate, but another examination proves this to be incorrect, there is only a slight thickening of the base.) S. elongata is very closely allied to the type S. cenea, but is of more elongate shape, the antennae are longer, the thorax is less transverse and the sides are not rounded, the surface is also much more strongly punctured and the elytra more distinctly costate. I received five specimens from the Rev. J. O'Neil. HESPERA NATALENSIS, sp. n. Black, finely pubescent, the basal joint of the antennae fulvous; legs flavous; head and thorax finely granulate and punctured; elytra opaque, sculptured like the thorax ; apex of the posterior femora piceous. Length 2 millim. Head minutely granulate, scarcely perceptibly punctured; frontal elevations and the carina strongly raised, shining, clypeus in shape of a transverse ridge; antennae extending nearly to the apex of the elytra, black, the basal joint more or less fulvous, second very short, third slightly shorter than the fourth, terminal joints elongate and rather thin ; thorax twice as broad as long, the sides slightly constricted at the base, nearly straight, the surface sculptured like the head and finely pubescent; elytra very finely transversely wrinkled, clothed with short white pubescence, their base distinctly wider than the thorax ; below black, more shining ; legs flavous^ all the tibiae mucronate; posterior femora moderately incrassate, their apex black; the metatarsus of the posterior legs as long as the following joints together; prosternum extremely narrow, the anterior coxal cavities open. Hab. Malvern, Natal (G. Marshall). One of the smallest species of the genus and very closely allied to several Indian forms, at present undescribed. The general appearance of the insect is delicate and suggestive of Luperus but the posterior femora are distinctly incrassate. HESPERA INTERMEDIA, sp. n. Entirely black, finely pubescent; thorax closely and finely rugose- |