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Show 1900.] ON BUTTERFLIES FROM THE BAHAMAS. 197 the exact tint being somewhere between " Ecru drab " and " Fawn colour "\ Sk%dl resembles that of D. lagopus Licht., but the teeth are more massive and their pattern less complicated. Dimensions of the type-head and body 125 ; tail 160; hind foot 59 ; ear 18. (k\\ taken from the dried skin.) < This is a very distinct Jerboa, with no very near known ally, and a detailed description of which would be unnecessary. I have pleasure in connecting it with the name of its discoverer. DIPUS, sp. inc. Nos. & 5. 2 males, imm., Kotaz Sangai, near Khotan, Turkestan, 4700 ft., 8th October, 1898. The immaturity of these two specimens prevents their satisfactory determination ; they may be the young of D. deasyi. EUCHOREUTES NASO, W. L. Sclater, P. Z. S. 1890, p. 610. Nos., 7 & 8. $ . Ak Langar on the Yarkand-Khotan Road, altitude 4500 ft., 3rd July, 1898. Native name, " Sarok Kuruk " (" Brown Tail"). The original specimens of Euchoreutes naso, although known to be from Eastern or Chinese Turkestan, had no exact locality attached to them. It is satisfactory to have this deficiency supplied by Captain Deasy's specimens. The Ak Langar is a Rest-house. The specimens were obtained iu the night, so that, although Captain Deasy states that the animal was very common, he is unable to give any details as to its habits. OCHOTONA LADACENSIS, Giinther, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 4, xvi. p. 231 (1875). No. d . Yepal Ungur, Chinese Turkestan, 15,000 ft., 22nd July, 1898. No. & 11, two females. Ditto, ditto, 20th July, 1898. No. Zad Kulan Urgi, Chinese Turkestan, altitude 12,800 ft., 25th December, 1897. No. 25 miles S.E. of Lake Arucho,W. Tibet. No. Ditto, ditto. 5. On a Collection of Butterflies from the Bahamas. ByEMiLY M A R Y SHARPE. [Received January 4, 1900.] (Plate XIX.) Mr. J. L. Bonhote, who is well known for his excellent observations in the ornithological world, was for some time Private Secretary to Sir Gilbert Carter, K.C.M.G., the Governor of the 1 Ridgway, ' Nomenclature of Colors,' 1886, pi. iii. PROC. ZOOL. Soc-1900, No. XIV. 14 |