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Show 62 MR. C V. A. PEEL AND OTHERS ON [Jan. 23, I at one time supposed this species to be the female of the Abyssinian P. bellicosus L. Koch, but judging by Kraepelin's recent diagnosis of the latter species (Das Tierr., Scorpiones, p. 121, 1899), P. militaris certainly differs in having the superior caudal keels denticulated, the hand finely punctulate above and below, and the last abdominal sternite scarcely visibly crested. Synopsis of the Somali Species of Bandinus. a. Median eyes always some distance behind middle of carapace ; tarsi more numerously spined, the lobes with 3-4 spines, total number on lower side of tarsi 9 behind, 6 in front. a1. Tarsal lobes with 4 spines, a strong spine being on the tip of the lobe; humerus of chela furnished belovv with two short rows of denticles meidensis. b1. Tarsal lobe with ft strong spines, the spine on the tip smaller and usually filiform distally; humerus of chela smooth below. a2. Ornamentation of hand consisting of conical tubercles ; inner margin of hand distinctly tubercular and denticulate from base of finger to carpal articulation, width of hand greater than length of carapace ; pectinal teeth 18-21 smithi. b2. Ornamentation of hand consisting of low rounded or irregular shaped, often anastomosing tubercles ; lobe of hand with smooth posterior edge ; length of carapace exceeding width of hand ; pectinal teeth 15-18 phillipsi. b. Median eyes in middle of carapace, rarely a little behind the middle; total number of spines on tarsi 5 behind, 3 in front, 2 only being situated on each lobe, the tip of which is furnished with bristles. a3. Lower surface of all the caudal segments and the middle of at least the last abdominal sternite closely granular and not keeled. a4. Upper surface of hand from inner edge to crest of underhand uniformly covered with coarse granules which do not anastomose ; upper crest of brachium distinctly granular colei. bl. Upperside of hand coarsely granular only above crest of underhand, the rest of its upperside either almost smooth or ornamented with low rounded tubercles which run into ridges; upper crest of brachium quite smooth. a0. Upperside of hand covered with ornamentation of low, more or less anastomosing tubercles ; its lower surface distinctly granular; hand larger, carapace equal to length of underhand + one-third of movable digit, and only as long as the hand from the posterior edge of (lie lobe to the base of the immovable finger; immovable finger not twice as long as its basal width peeli. b3. Upperside of hand smooth, at most ornamented with a network of low ridges, lower side very sparsely granular; hand smaller, carapace as long as underhand + half the movable finger, and as the hand measured from the posterior edge of the. lobe 4- half the immovable finger; immovable finger twice as long as its basal width, hawkeri. |