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Show 1889.] SPECIES OF LAND-SHELLS. 579 Var. y. Haud malleata, fusco sparsim radiata, sed non maculata ; striis conspicuis, rugosis. Long. 86, maj. diam. 44 mill. Hab. Catamarca, Andes Peruvise. The typical shell has a peculiarly malleated surface, and the indentations are rendered conspicuous by the brown markings. The variety, wanting these characters, presents so different an appearance that it might be taken for a distinct species. There is, however, but little difference in the form, the colouring of the mouth is the same, the brown rays also are similar in colour and disposition. The longitudinal strise are closer and more regular, taking the place of the irregular indentations characteristic of the typical form. The two shells form part of the collection of Mr. S. J. Da Costa, and there is a specimen of each variety in the National Collection at South Kensington. 6. ACHATINA BARRIANA, n. sp. (Plate LVI. fig. 2.) A. testa ovato-conica, tenuis, cornea, maculis parvis fuscis ad suturam et ad peripheriam tceniata, maculis parvis albidis hie illic floccata ; spira conica, apice obtusa ; anfr. 6, convexiusculi, supremi Iceves, sequentes confertissime lirati, liris nigosis, ultimus spiram superans, inflatus ; apertura ampla, vix obliqua ; peristoma simplex, tenue; columella leviter inflexa, obliepue truncata. Long. 43, diam. 23; apert. longa 24, lata 14 mill. Hab. Calabar, Africa'! A light shell of elegant form, sculptured with very fine close corrugated ridges. The body-whorl is sprinkled with small white flake-like spots. I have only seen two specimens of this species ; they were found in company with Perideris auripigmentum, and are probably from the same locality. 7. ACHATINA SMITHI, n. sp. (Plate LVI. fig. 3.) A. testa ovato-turrita, tenuis, pellucida, cornea, nitida, strigis longitudinalibus numerosis undulatis pallidis picta; spira elatiuscula, turrita, apice obtusa ; anfractus 6, convexi, spiraliter minutissime sed densissime striati, sutura impressa, haud crenu-lata; anfr. ultimus spiram paulo superans, leviter inflatus; apertura verticalis, sinuato-ovalis; peristoma simplex; columella recta, oblique truncata. Long. 30, diam. 15 ; apert. longa 14, lata 7 mill. LLab. Calabar, Africa? A delicate pellucid species ; a true Achatina, but approaching in form and texture some of the species of Glandina. The longitudinal streaks are faint, but numerous and pretty regular; the spiral strise seen through a lens are exceedingly fine and close. Of this species I have only seen a single specimen ; its habitat is uncertain, but it is probably from the same locality as A. barriana. |