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Show 1889.] LEPIDOPTERA OF JAPAN AND COREA. 553 Phal.-Noctua virbia, Cram. I. c. p. 146, fig. II. Remigia archesia, Guen. Noct. p. 318. A nice series, coll. Pryer. I took examples at Foochau in April, and Mr. Smith met with it at Hakone in August. My native collector also obtained it at Ningpo in June and Gensan in July. Yokohama (Pryer); Foochau (Leech); Hakone (Smith) ; Ningpo, Gensan (Nat. Coll.); Punjaub, N. India, Ceylon, Java, Sierra Leone, N. China. 368. REMIGIA ANNETTA. Remigia annetta, Butl. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) i. p. 293 (1878); 111. Typ. Lep. Het. ii. pi. xxxiv. fig. 7. Several specimens, coll. Pryer. I took examples at Ningpo in April in Satsuma, and at Nagasaki in May, and at Tsuruga, Fushiki, and Gensan in July. Yokohama (Jonas and Pryer) ; Hakodate (Whitely); Satsuma, Nagasaki, Tsuruga, Fushiki, Gensan, Ningpo (Leech) ; Formosa, N. India. 369. REMIGIA NIGRISIGNA, sp. n. (Plate LII. fig. 5.) Primaries greyish brown, faintly tinged with pinkish; basal line represented by a spot on costa and one below it; inner line dark brown, preceded by a black spot above inner margin; central line wavy and indistinct; outer line curves from costa and skirting the indented external edge of a dark patch following the reniform continues a wavy course to the 1st median nervule, when it curves inwards and upwards to the 2nd median, then recurves to a point further inwards on the 1st median; from thence it descends in a graceful sweep to the inner margin; submarginal pale, denticulated, shaded on each side with darker: secondaries grey-brown, central transverse line and marginal border darker, the latter intersected by a line of the ground-colour. Under surface grey ; basal half of primaries suffused with fuscous ; central line, spot, and a broad border on outer margin fuscous, the latter intersected by a transverse band of ground-colour. Expanse 40 millim. One specimen taken by myself in Satsuma, May 1886. There is an unnamed example of this species from Formosa in coll. Moore. 370. AZAZIA USSURIENSIS. Remigia ussuriensis, Brem. Lep. Ost-Sib. p. 61, pi. v. fig. 19 (1864). Azazia unduligera, Butl. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) i. p. 293 (1878); 111. Typ. Lep. Het. ii. pi. xxxiv. fig. 8 (1878). A few specimens, coll. Pryer. Mr. Pryer in his ** Catalogue of the Lepidoptera of Japan,' p. 103, says :-"Azazia unduligera I believe to be a Pyralis." PROC. ZOOL. Soc-1889, No. XXXVII. 37 |