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Show 1889.] INDIAN LEPIDOPTERA. 413 centre ; four slightly sinuous brown lines across the wings ; an antemedial, which is oblique, and touches the hinder border near the postmedial line; a postmedial and a discal rather near each other, nearly upright, the former slightly curved outwards, and a brown marginal line, the colour of the wing between this and the discal being darker than the rest of the wing, as is also the fringe, forming a broad marginal band. Hind wings paler, and whitish towards the base ; antennae and body above ochreous fawn-colour, abdomen paler. Below : wings, body, and legs whitish fawn-colour. Expanse of wings lyLinch. Hab. North Kanara. One example received from Mr. Wise. From the allied E. transversa this species differs on the fore wing in the nearly erect position of the two outer lines, which in E. transversa are both angled outward beyond the end of the cell. CATEPHIDHE. ANOPHIA MOSARA, n. sp. Palpi and collar greyish white, tips of palpi brownish, antennae and body purplish grey ; abdomen whitish at the sides, and with grey segmental bands ; fore wings purplish fawn-colour, orbicular, iu the form of a largish obliquely placed black ringlet; reniform large, excavated outwardly, and marked in the excavation with white, also a claviform ringlet, two outwardly oblique recurved, slightly dentated blackish lines, one before and the other beyond the middle, the space between darker than the rest of the wing; fringe pale pinkish, interrupted with brown; hind wings white, with a broad pale purplish fawn-coloured band; fringe white tipped with grey. Underside whitish, with broad grey bands to both wings, and with a lunular mark at the end of the cell of the fore wings; body and legs grey, tarsi with brown bands. Expanse of wings 1T :\T inch. Hab. Southern Sind, Hydrabad, and Tatta; one specimen at each place, taken in April 1887. Kihim, Alibagh district, near Bombay ; one specimen, taken in April 1888. From other described species of Anophia this may be distinguished by its comparatively narrower wings. The markings on the fore wing are similar in pattern to those in A. olivascens, but the hind wing has a uniformly narrower marginal band. POLYDESMID^E. P A N D E S M A JUBRA, n. sp. (Plate XLIV. fig. 4.) Like a very large P. quenavadi, but differently coloured, very much larger and quite distinct. Antennae, body, and fore wings steel-grey, irrorated with black atoms ; top of head, front of palpi, and segmental bands on abdomen whitish, top and sides of the first joint of the palpi black. Fore wings above, with basal, antemedial, medial, and postmedial, sinuous, dark lines, the last three rather |