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Show 424 COL. C SWINHOE O N N E W [Nov. 5, the median vein. In G. angularia the dots on the fore wings are very prominent, much larger, are ochreous brown, and do not form strigae. SPICA, nov. gen. Wings long, rather broad ; costa much arched at the base, apex acute, exterior margin round, slightly oblique, hinder margin arched before the middle, cell open, extending three fifths the length, costal vein running parallel with and close to the subcostal vein ; first and second subcostal branches emitted together before end of cell, third from end bifid ; upper radial and third subcostal from the same root, and not joined to the 1st and 2nd subcostals; lower radials disconnected, 2nd and 3rd median branches from end of median vein ; 1 st median branch at one third from end of median vein, submedian vein slightly curved. Hind wings about three fourths the length of fore wings, apex not acute, exterior margin roundly oblique, abdominal margin also round, cell open, about half the length of the wing, no costal vein, subcostal curved upwards from end of cell (which is very broad) aud ends just below the apex, throwing a branch below at one third from end of cell and a second from end of cell; radial vein and third and second median branches are emitted together at the end of cell from the median vein, the radial vein curving up suddenly from the root; first median branch and submedian vein as usual, internal vein absent; body and abdomen stout, latter extending to end of hind wings ; head and thorax in front with long hairs ; palpi stout, fringed with long hairs to the tips, slightly ascending, but do not reach to the vertex; antennae simple, thicker in the male, slightly ciliated; legs stout, middle and hind spurs long and stoutish. This genus is allied to Colotois, Felder (Reise d. Nov. pi. 123. fig. 28). SPICA L U T E O L A , n. sp. (Plate XLIV. fig. 10.) Male and female. Antennae, palpi, head, body, and fore wings dull golden yellow, irrorated with reddish atoms; fore wings with the veins reddish, and with three equidistant, transverse, outwardly oblique, reddish lines-antemedial, medial, and postmedial ; the first deeply angled outwardly where the first median branch is emitted from the median vein, the second almost straight, the third curved in its upper portion on to the costa; a reddish streak at the apex, faint indications of a subbasal line and a marginal sinuous line. Hind wings pale yellow, unmarked. Underside of a uniform pale yellowish colour, shining, with the whole of the inner portion of the fore wings clouded with brown, and crossed by some indistinct brownish bands; body and legs below darker yellow. Expanse of wings lyL- inch. Hab. Sikhim. One male received from Mr. Elwes, and two females purchased from Mr. Paul Mdwis. In general outline this insect is distinguishable from Colotois kumetaria (Feld. Reise d. Nov. pi. 123. fig. 28) by its longer win°*s, |