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Show 210 MR. H. W. BATES ON [Apr. 2, rior vertebrae, and pectoral arch of this fish is given for comparison (Plate XXII. fig. 4). Notwithstanding the general resemblance, it will be seen that there are several important differences of detail. In the recent fish the sutures are persistent, the head is broader and flatter, and the orbit and frontal fontanelle much smaller. The posttemporal and pectoral arch are also relatively smaller, and the latter tapers below; while the infraclavicle appears to be much less developed. Konig's name of Bucklandium diluvii may thus be retained for the fossil now described, and, upon present evidence, this Eocene fish may be most closely associated with an African type. It ought to be remembered, however, that most of the living allies of Auchenoglanis are denizens of South America ; and in this connection it is interesting to note a fact kindly communicated by Mr. Etheridge, that the molluscan fauna of the London Clay has about as many living representatives upon the south-east coast of North America as upon the western coast of Africa. EXPLANATION OF PLATE XXII. Fig.l. Bucklandium diluvii; side view of an imperfect skull and pectoral arch, from the London Clay of the Isle of Sheppey. b, displaced base of the cranium ; cl., clavicle ;fo., frontal fontanelle ; fr., frontal; i.cl., ascending plate of infraclavicle ; orb., orbit; pt., posttemporal; so., supraocipital. 2. Ditto ; upper view of the same specimen. Lettering as above. 3. Ditto ; lower view of part of the base of the same specimen, ar., articulation of basioccipital with vertebral column ; ps., parasphenoid, partly overlapping basioccipital; v., anchylosed anterior vertebra. 4. Auchenoglanis biscutatus; side view of head, anterior vertebree, and pectoral arch, much reduced in size. Figs. 1-3 are all of the natural size. 5. On new Species of the Coleopterous Family Carabidee, collected by Mr. J. H. Leech in Kashmir and Balti-stan. By H. W . BATES, F.R.S. [Received March 18, 1889.] CARABUS (IMAIBIUS) BARYSOMUS. Bobustus, elytris convexis usque post medium dilatatis; niger, nitidus, capite thoraceque subtilissime coriaceis fere Icevibus, hoc transverso, cordato-quadrato, antice lato convexo, basi depresso, mox ab angulis anticis (rotundatis) valde rotundato, lateribus paullo post medium sat profunde sinuatis, deinde ad angulos posticos parallelis (angulis rectis apice obtusis) ; elytris grossissime subseriatim fossula tis, fossulis in fundo umbilicatis, hie illic confluentibus ; corpore subtus impunctato. Long. 35-38 millim. rf ? . Goorais Valley. |