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Show 1889.] THE SECRETARY ON ADDITIONS TO THE MENAGERIE. 447 H. chloris (Oahu).-A trace only of a yellow mark from the bill to the eye. Upper parts of a dark greyish buff tinged with a faint shade of olive. Underparts whitish buff tinged with yellow. Bill and legs dark brown. H. chloris (Lanai).-A distinct yellow mark from the base of the bill to the eye. Upper parts light greyish buff, distinctly tinged with olive. Beneath on the breast and throat light lemon-yellow, shading into buff on the flanks. Bill and legs lighter brown. The bill is more slender. LL. chloris (Molokai).-A distinct yellow mark from the bill to eye, as in the Lanai form. Upper parts darker than in the Lanai form, but not so dark as in the type from Oahu. Underparts yellow, but not so bright as in the Lanai form. Bill and legs considerably stouter than in the preceding form. ' November 19, 1889. Prof. Flower, C.B., LL.D., F.R.S., President, in the Chair. The Secretary read the following reports on the additions to the Society's Menagerie during the month of October 1889 :- The total number of registered additions to the Society's Menagerie during the month of October was 90. Of these 1 was by birth, 50 by presentation, 12 by purchase, 7 by exchange, and 20 were received on deposit. The total number of departures during the same period, by death and removals, was 76. Amongst the additions I may call special attention to the arrival of the young male Gaur (Bibos gaurus) from Pahangl, one of the native States in the Malay Peninsula, presented to the Society by Sir Cecil C. Smith, K.C.M.G., the Governor of the Straits Settlements. W e are greatly indebted to Mr. W . Davison, F.Z.S., for the valuable assistance he has rendered us in shipping this animal to Europe; also to the Peninsula and Oriental Co. for their liberal grant of a free passage of the first example of the Gaur that has reached Europe alive; and to Capt. Home, of the steam-ship ' Rohilla,' for the kind care and attention he has devoted to the animal during the passage home. Mr. Davison has supplied me with the following information respecting this specimen:- "I am shipping the young bull ' Sladang' (Bibos gaurus) by the P. and O. S. ' Rohilla,' leaving here to-morrow morning for London. The animal is in splendid condition and comparatively tame-that is, he takes food readily from hand, and allows one to scratch his forehead. He was caught five months ago. There is not a question I think now about there being two distinct species of this form in the Malay Peninsula. The one now sent is about a two-year old, a bull, black, forehead grey, and stockings of all four feet dirty white. It is the ' Sladang' of the Malays, the so-called Bison of India 1 See ' The Field' newspaper, June 1st, 1889, p. 767, for an account of the hunting and capture of a herd of these animals in Pahang. |