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Show 1889.] FROM ST. LUCIA, WEST INDIES. 395 the fauna and flora of the Lesser Antilles, consists of 96 specimens, which I refer to the following species1:- 1. Cichlherminia sanctae-lucire, Scl. 2. Margarops densirostris (Vieill.). 3. montanus (Lafr.). 4. Rhamphocinclus brachyurus ( Vieill.). 5. Cinclocerthia macrorhyncha, Scl. G. Myiadestes sanctse-lucine, Stejn. 7. Thryothorus mesoleucus, Scl. 8. Dendroeca delicata, Sharpe. 9. Leucopeza semperi, Scl. 10. Setophaga ruticilla (Linn.). 11. Certhiola martinicana, Reichenb. 12. Euphonia flavifrons (Sparrm.). *13. Loxigilla noctis (Linn.). 14. Phonipara bicolor (Linn.). 15. Icterus laudabilis, Scl. 16. Quiscalus inflexirostris, Sw. 17. Elainea martinica (Linn.). 18. Contopus latirostris ( Verr.). 19. Myiarchus tyrannulus (Bodd.). 20. Eulampis jugularis (Linn.). 21. holosericeus (Linn.). 22. Bellona cristata (Linn.). 23. Crotophaga ani (Linn.). 24. Coccyzus minor (Gm.). 25. Buteo pennsylvanicus (Wils.). 26. Falco caribbsearum, Gm. 27. Columba corensis, Gm. 28. Chamsepelia passerina (Linn.). 29. Geotrygon montana (Linn.). 30. Nyctiardea violacea (Linn.). The birds of St. Lucia are principally known from the collections and researches of our Corresponding Member the Rev. J. E. Semper, as recorded in our 'Proceedings'2. Mr. Ramage's collection makes no additions to the list, but supplies an acceptable contribution to the series of West-Indian specimens in the National Collection, where they will be deposited. The species at present known as absolutely restricted to St. Lucia seem to be nine in number. These are:- Cichlherminia sanctee-lucice, Scl. Cinclocerthia macrorhyncha, Scl. Myiadestes sanctee-lucice, Stejn. Thryothorus mesoleucus, Scl. Dendrceca delicata, Sharpe. Leucopeza semperi, Scl. Lcterus laudabilis, Scl. Contopus latirostris (Verr.). Chrysotis versicolor (Miill.). Mr. Allen (Bull. Nutt. Orn. Cl. v. p. 166) has also separated the Loxiyilla noctis of St. Lucia as a subspecies (sclateri), but the characters relied on do not seem to be constant. Fresh comparisons should also be made of Cichlherminia sanctee-lucice, Myiadestes sanctee-lucice, and Dendroeca delicata with specimens from the adjoining islands, as the three species have not yet been very definitely characterized. 1 For a list of Mr. Ramage's collection from Dominica, see supra, p. 326. 2 See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 263, 1872, p. 647, and 1876, p. 14. 27* |