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Show 1889.] INSECTS FROM MOUNT KINIBALU. 393 lata scabrosa incompleta, articulo 3*" quam scapo dimidio breviore, 4t0 adhuc breviore, ceeteris brevissimis. Thorax post medium tuber culo acuto armatus. Elytra thorace fere duplo latiora, absque cristis, apice rotundata. Mesosternum pro-ductum, conicum. Tibice intermedice extus oblique sulcatce. Ungues parum divaricati. The incompleteness of the ridge limiting the cicatrice of the scape (it is, in fact, very short) would remove this genus from the group to which Achthophora belongs, but in all its other characters it agrees with the group. The claws in three species of Achthophora which I have examined are as feebly divaricated as in the new genus. EuSYNTHETA BREVICORNIS. Supra fuligineo-nigra, vertice vittis duabus latis, thorace lineis duabus dorsalibus,scutello,elytris fascia lata mediana et macula magna apicali, cinereo-albo tomentosis: antennis articulis nonnullis basi, fronte genisque, corpore subtus et pedibus cinereis. Thorax grosse ruguloso-punctatus. Elytra basi late grosse et aspere, versus apicem sparsim grosse, punctata. Long. 16-20 millim. Three examples-two in Mr. Fry's collection. November 5, 1889. Prof. Flower, C.B., LL.D., F.R.S., President, in the Chair. The Secretary read the following reports on the additions made to the Society's Menagerie during the months of June, July, August, and September, 1889:- The total number of registered additions to the Society's Menagerie during the month of June was 100, of which 18 were by birth, 53 by presentation, 19 by purchase, 3 by exchange, and 7 were received on deposit. The total number of departures during the same period by death and removals was 111. Amongst these is a fine male specimen of the Cocoa-nut Land- Crab of the East Indies (Birgus latro), presented by Commander Alfred Carpenter, R.N., and received June 14th. This Crab, which has been placed in the Insect-house, feeds well on vegetable-marrow and other fruits. It is the first specimen received of this interesting species'. The registered additions to the Society's Menagerie during the month of July were 152 in number ; of these 55 were acquired by presentation, 39 by purchase, 4 by exchange, 42 by birth, and 12 were received on deposit. The total number of departures during the same period by death and removals was 11 7. Among these special attention may be called to the following:- 1. A Short Python (Python curtus), from Malacca, presented July 2nd by Mrs. Bertha M . L. Bousor ; new to the Collection. 1 See notice in the ' Field' of July 13th, 1889 (vol. lxxiv. p. 45). PROC. ZOOL. Soc-1889, No. XXVII. 27 |