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Show 1889.] MR. SOWERBY ON NEW SPECIES OF LAND-SHELLS. 577 Deuterosaurus should not be identical with Brithopus, in which event the latter name should stand. If the skull referred to Deuterosaurus indicate an animal of the same size as the type of Brithopus, it would be evident that the incisor teeth were "of larger size in proportion to the limb-bones than in Titanosuchus. EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. PLATE LIV. Associated vertebree of a Tberiodont from the Karoo system of tbe Cape Colony, -f nat. size. Fig. 1. Eight lateral aspect of two dorsal vertebree. 2. Eeversed view of tbe left side of an imperfect neural arch of a dorsal vertebra. 3. Anterior aspect of an imperfect lumbar vertebra. pr.z, prezygapopbysis ; pt.z, postzygapopbysis; t.p, transverse process ; r, facet for capitidum of rib. PLATE LV. Fig. 1. Dorsal aspect of the restored right scapula of a Theriodont from the Karoo system of the Oape. 3. a, acromial process ; b, supra-acromial process; gl, glenoidal surface. 2. Dorsal aspect of the imperfect right scapula of Ptychosiagum orientate from the Pancbet beds of the Gondwana system of India. \. Letters as in fig. 1. 3. Palmar aspect of tbe restored left humerus belonging to the same individual as the scapula represented in fig. 1. ^. ent.f, entepi-condylar foramen ; r.c, radial condyle. 4. Palmar aspect of the distal portion of the left humerus of Brithopus prisons, from the Permian of Eussia. \. ect.f, ectepicondylar foramen ; other letters as in fig. 3. 4. Descriptions of thirteen new Species of Land-Shells, with a Note on Bulimus fulminans. By G. B. SOWERBY, F.L.S., F.Z.S. [Eeceived October 3, 1889.] (Plate LVI.) 1. HELIX (GEOTROCHUS) HORDERI, n.sp. (Plate LVI. fig. 1.) H . testa anguste perforata, elata, conica, solidiuscula, oblique subtilissime striata, citrina ; spira elata, apice acuta ; anfractus 6, convexiusculi, ultimus leviter inflatus, ad peripheriam obsolete angulatus, basi convexus; apertura lata, obliqua; peristoma late expansum et reflexum, columellari intus tubercula parva dentiformi munito, extus dilatato, complanato. Alt. 35, maj. diam. 30 mill. Hab. Nova Guinea. A fine yellow trochiform species presenting a character quite unusual in the " Geotrochus " section, namely, a tooth-like nodule on the inside of the columellar lip. |