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Show 18S9.] LEPIDOPTERA OF JAPAN AND COREA. 529 I took specimens in Satsuma in May, Mr. Andrews at Hakodate in August, and m y native collector at Gensan also in August. Yokohama (Pryer) ; Satsuma (Leech) ; Hakodate (Andrews); Gensan (Nat. Coll.); China; Moreton Bay, Australia. 249. OREESIA EMARGINATA. Noctua emarginata, Fabr. Ent. Svst. iii. 2. 240. Oreesia emarginata, Guen. Noct. ii. p. 363 (1852). Orcesia alliciens, Walk. Cat. Lep. Het. xii. p. 945. no. 6 (1857). Oresia teutons, Walk. I. c. no. 7- Five examples, coll. Pryer. M y native collector took examples commonly at Gensan in August. An extensive range of variation is exhibited ; some of the specimens agree with O. alliciens, Walk., others with 0. teutons, Walk., but both are connected by intermediates with O. emarginata. Nikko (Pryer); North India, Ceylon, Coromandel Coast. 250. CALPE LATA. Calpe lata, Butl. Trans. Ent. Soc. 1881, p. 21. One example, coll. Pryer. I took a specimen of this fine species at Gensan and another at Fushiki in July. Tokio (Fenton) ; Asamayama (Pryer) ; Gensan, Fushiki (Leech). 251. CALPE CAPUCINA. Bombyx capucina, Esp. Schmett. iii. pi. 81. figs. 1-3 (1789). Bombyx thalictri, Borkh. Eur. Schmett. iii. p. 425 (1790) ; Hiibn. Bomb. pi. 6. fig. 25. Calpe thalictri, Ochs. Schmett. iv. p. 78 ; Treit. Schmett. v. 2. 169 ; Guen. Noct. ii. p. 374. Calpe sodalis, Butl. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) i. p. 203 (1878) ; 111. Typ. Lep. Het. ii. pi. xxxii. fig. 2 (1878). Several specimens, coll. Pryer. I took this species at Gensan in June and July, Nagahama in July, and Hakodate in August. Japanese and Corean specimens cannot be separated from European examples of. C. capucina. Hakodate (Whitely and Leech) ; Yokohama, Oiwake (Pryer) ; Nagahama, Gensan (Leech). 252. CALPE EXCAVATA. Calpe excavata, Butl. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) i. p. 202 (1878); 111. Typ. Lep. Het. xxxii. fig. 1 (1878). A fine series, coll. Pryer. I took an example at Gensan in July. In his Catalogue Mr. Pryer says of the larva of this species that it " spins a cocoon interwoven with strips of fibre on the stems of trees." Yokohama (Jonas and Pryer) ; Oiwake (Pryer) ; Gensan (Leech) ; Toki* Chekiang, Kiukiang. |