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Show 1889.] INDIAN LEPIDOPTERA. 399 in the male, but the yellow of the hind wing is more ochreous, and the ochreous subapical spot of the fore wings is wanting. Expanse of wings, 3 2-^, $ 1^-2-^ inches. Hab. Maldah, Bengal. 1 d1, 2 § , received from Mr. Irvine. This is a very curious local variety of A. hippoides. IXIAS NOLA, n. sp. Male. White tinged with pale saffron-yellow; base of both wings and costa of fore wings to the apical patch irrorated with blue-grey ; apical patch bright orange, divided by the veins into seven pieces; the outer and inner bands black ; the outer band dentated inwardly on the veins, and extending down the outer margin to the submedian vein ; the inner band as usual very variable, in some specimens it is broad and equal, but always more or less diffuse, the square knob at the end of the cell being only distinguishable by a slight elbow into the orange space, in other specimens the inner band is represented by a costal patch and the square knob hardly connected together, and the commencement of a band from near the hinder angles, like the usual inner band of a female Lxias; and between these two kinds there are many intermediates. Hind wings with a macular border decreasing from the apex : this is also very variable-in some there is hardly any band at all, merely a black marginal line at the apex with marginal dots on each vein; in others there is a deep black band halfway down the margin, and large marginal spots on the veins, decreasing in size to the anal angle, and many intermediates. Below: fore wings coloured as above; the entire surface of the apical patch pale orange; the outer band slightly showing through and more or less irrorated ; the inner band represented by a prominent black square spot at the end of the cell, and a submarginal whorl of black spots, which in some specimens have white centres; hind wings much darker saffron-coloured, more or less covered with brown strigae, with an indistinct brown costal spot, a brown cell-spot with a white centre, and a discal whorl of five or six indistinct white spots, margined with brown; the markings vary much in density in different specimens. Female. Coloured and marked like the male; the orange patch is, however, narrow and not so bright; the inner band disconnected and with three submarginal spots in it, the border on the hind wing is similar, and so is the general coloration above and below; the markings below are also similar, but darker and more prominent. Expanse of wings 1 j-^j-2 inches. Hab. Mahableshwar (April and May, 1887). Found in great numbers : I took several hundreds of specimens, many being females. The species is not nearly allied to any of this genus that I am acquainted with, and is very distinct. One or two of the broad-banded varieties measure as much as 2-fa inches across the wings in both sexes. |