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Show 28 MR. G. A. BOULENGER ON SOME SPECIES [Feb. 5, an otherwise typical R. cruciger, 34 millim. long from snout to vent, from Dr.'Kelaart's collection, has the flanks and the sides of the thighs spotted with white on a brown ground. Polypedates biscutiger was established by Peters for specimens from Rambodde, Ceylon, " agreeing with P. maculatus in size and appearance, but easily distinguished by bony nuchal prominences, which are especially distinct in the adult, the smaller tympanum, Upper surface of skulls of Rhacophorus. a. R. leucomystax, Darjeeling ; a'. Ditto, China ; a". Ditto, Celebes, b. R. maculatus, Nilgherries ; b . Ditto, Bombay ; -V'. Ditto, Ceylon, c. R. cruciger, Ceylon. All the figures are taken from adult females. and the colour of the thighs, the hinder side of which bears lar^e yellow spots on black-marbled ground." But these being precisely the characters of the true R. maculatus from India and Ceylon, it is clear that Peters based his comparison on the other Ceylonese form, R. cruciger, which he probably regarded as the typical R. maculatus. P. biscutiger, Ptrs., is therefore a synonym of R. maculatus, Gray. |